Monday 18 May 2009

its final... MGS3>>>>MGS2

hahaha..i cleared mgs3..and went back to play mayb i could understand all the twists and the la-le-lu-lei-lo crap tt ppl from mgs2 were spewing out..and of czu the obsure stuff ocelot was talking abt in mgs2..haha.. but i must say..mgs3>>>>mgs2 in any sort of way..definately, in terms of realism, fun, music and boss fight..

one of my favs for vid games are the boss fights.. cuz they arent ur run-in-the-mill or the tranq-his-head/sneak-ard-and-choke kinda enemy u see ard..they really make the game fun and the user to think+react quickly.. well..and a fat enemy tt plants bombs(fatman..mgs2) and moves ard in skates doesnt really appeal to me compared to a flamethrower wielding crazy astronaut complete with jetpacks(the fury, mgs3)...well.. those are the kinda bosses in mgs2 and mgs3..hahaha. the end was a really gd boss battle(annoying too esp when he keeps healing and u cant find him..)

mgs2..its still a great game..but v old now

mgs3..which is total pwnage.. recommended for all to try, esp those who loves action/stealth games, its abit old now though..haha(i feel like im advertising..hahah)

screenshots from mgs3

the flamethrowing wielding crazy astronaut guy--the fury

well enough abt comparing vid games.. talk abt reality liao..hahaha.. i luckily managed to change some of the dates for my RT..if nt it will really suck cuz ill miss out some v impt stuff..(like on 31st may..tts pretty impt..hahah) and of cuz some of sparex as well... oh yea..did i mention ill be gg back to help sparex..hahaha..gotta help them out.. have to make sparex successful since when we all started(or were sort of given the idea to start) it.... this time its 4days(*gasp!) long.. im sure it will be fun..hahaha

and i heard exam results out this fri?? i i correct? i hope nt!! hahaha..i wanna enjoy more of my holidays without knowing i suck at this exam papers..hahahaha.. but gg to miss 75% of the main comm chalet cuz of RT... T.T

training was gd last week...super mega tiring though..shifu on fire man... kick oso like almost endless like tt..haha.. even at the last few sets of pushups i oso buai tahan alr... knees keep touching ground..hope no one saw tt paiseh..hahahah.. but looking forward to trainings! hahaha..esp supper after tt..=P

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