Saturday 4 April 2009

exams exams exams!!

i won gold at the cks cup!!!!!!!!

yea right...happy belated april fools! hahaha..

no i really didnt win gold..i got 4th instead..but then again..even though i lost my bouts..ive really learnt smth in terms of sparring and know which direction i wanna go.. thanks to my 2nd coach captain CX for really pointing me to the right direction(in terms of sparring), telling me what i can do, what i shld improve on and those motivating words..hahaha

anw..exams are like how many? 10 (insert explesive here if needed) days away!!! *gasp*! argh!!!!! ok starting my 1st one today..but this one nt academic.. this one tkd..hahaha... im gg for grading on a sat(tkd practisioners shld know what this means...) and yea..hopefully it will be my last grading for a while to come.. more scared of basic kick and the sparring leh.. hopefully they give me friendly opponents to spar with..ive heard stories tt ppl do get ko-ed during grading.. >_<

well..academic exams wise..i kinda feel totally unprepared..ok oso to blame cuz i nv regluarly study but then ah..oso too many stuff to study at one go..and the 1st paper is the most killer of all subjects this sem- INTEGRATED ELECTRONICS!! best way to lift our morale up for the rest of the papers lor... looking forward to the end of exam(28th april) then after tt more stuff to do, like PAs, insinyur and well..slacking..hahaha

ms pro is doing fine.her cast has shrank... to something..more cute..which looks like a shoe..but she has to crutch to exam halls..which kinda sux la i guesss...

for those blog readers who has to mug for exams, happy mugging and jiayou!!'s a cute vid for those who mug until siao liao until feel like er..sta-- ok i mean hurting ur prof and wanan destress..haha .. yea..its the same guy who's dancing(sitting and standing)! haha..he has some cool moves esp at the last 1 min!

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