Wednesday 29 April 2009

exams are over!! freedom!!

EXAMS ARE OVER!!!!! RAWRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

cant stop screaming for joy!!!! FREEDOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!! RAWRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! after days of buring midnight oils, forcing myself to slp by watching online lects, and yea..forcing myself nt to slack..i can slack without guilt!! =)

so far..been dotaing and listening to the new sf4 osts i dled.. for an old sf fan like me..the remixes are like... brings back the memories of the glory days of sf2 and sftnc(when i sit down in arcade and pwn coms and humans alike) guile's, cammy's theme rox big time, ken's one is nt bad too.. abel's theme is surprisingly gd too.. sakura's catchy..ryu's the same old one but slightly cooler this time round..haha

cant wait for the pc version of sf4 to come out..right now im only chionging arcade versions and getting pwned by way stronger human players.. lack of practise ok! (guile always ftw man! who needs special moves when 2 is enough to pwn most characters...)

will be back with more updates soon..this weekend will be a busy to sentosa for insinyur beach game trial..hahaha

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