Monday 13 April 2009

EXAMS!! 1 day away!!!

the once a week blogger is back!! for a while..hahaha..after taking a 1hr break earlier i decided to extend it by another 10mins..blame intertia..hahaha..

anw..yea..exams are jus 1 day away!! gasp! and im taking them in decreasing lvl of difficulty... well.. in a way tts gd..but.. 1st paper will immediately kill my morale.. haha.. so...well i might jus rant online if the exam didnt go the way i want it..hahaha

oh taking exam on almost the same days as qiao lor... almost la..jus 1 day diff..but start same day end same day.. and same days for 2 other papers..haha... if only im tt zhun in buying toto..then no need work liao..wahahhahaha..

looking forward to after exams... getting rdy to get pwned by 3003(INTEGRATED ELECTONICS)... come on differential amps, bootstrap, NM, transfer functions and whatever my puny RAM can rmb, bring it on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111 haha

and to all those taking exams during these darkest mths esp to all my friends... 加油!

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