Saturday 28 March 2009

the supposed earth hour

8 more mins(from the time i type this blog post) to the end of earth hour.. well i did off some of the lights at home but nt all of cuz.. i mean..u cant really walk ard and watch tv or use com with the entire house being pitch black..ok la..can la..jus tt it isnt tt gd for ur eyes cuz screen usually will be too bright..(and me being too lazy to adjust the brightness..) haha..

anw..tml is the cks cup liao.. im....

a little.. well i always get excited b4 any tourneys... even though this time for the 2nd round ill be fighting either one of my ntu buddies..

i would be lying if i say im nt scared/nervous at all but its nt tt big.. nt so pressure is nt as big as ivp..haha.. its a little more leaning towards..

orh..jus another tourney..go in try out stuff and nvm one la...
haha.. abit numbed from the excitement and fear a little i guess.. mayb it comes with exp...then again, i cant say im too exped..this is jus my like..4th tourney..

im more scared of smth else...exams in 17days time!!!!!!! argh!!!!! and i really have no mood to study at all man!! argh-er!!! haha..ppl now at tut 10 i still at tut 5...i cant laugh at ms pro too much liao cuz after being casted she became hardworking..then again..its cuz she inconvenient to walk and go out tts y she (temporarily or nt) became hardworking and now she's catching up on the tuts done and online lects watched... though i do hope she heals really soon..but u know..she being hardworking for once(during the 3yrs i know her) is gd as well..hahaha can switch on lights hour ended..wondered how many ppl really off lights...haha luck to all ntu fighters for the cks cup!!

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