Monday 2 August 2010

darth emo's revival

well firstly believe it or nt i really really wanna blog alot of stuff...but i jus dun have the time to do so, given i got ge stuff, im working, and after doing everything its like time to slp..arghhh.. but then again.. lets blog abt... DARTH EMO'S REVIVAL!!!

after et3000's sudden(but really freaking relieving) disappeareance from dota, there's no more good emo catalyst, hx is ok but he rarely plays with us.. jx can do at times but he's inconsistant.. so some games he'll be owning.. and somehow the emoism in darth emo is slowly decreasing.. slowly but surely.. Now emo god sensed this, and he doesnt want his strongest disciple to jus fade away into happy-go-lucky land..

so yest night, right on the once un-emoed ivan tang's bday, emo god jioed us all from the BC to have a game.. and from there.. he channeled all his A++ grade emoism into the weakening darth emo, proclaiming his pudge nv hunt, he isnt a man of his words when threatening to quit and that he's useless... and thus, a purple cloud tt covers jurong to pasir ris for 3 days was formed, and lo and behold.. darth emo is REVIVED!!!! and stronger than ever!!! this time threatening nt only to quit dota for 3 days.. but FOREVER!!!(of cuz we know darth emo wont quit dota, he jus emo and proclaim he will quit dota).. darth emo's back and emo-er than ever! converting ppl into emos with jus a mere glance from him.. the world we once know will forever be emo...

ok great story..ahhaha.. well actually nt only darth emo has revived.. man eddism is spreading.. jus 2 days ago my friend and i played with this guy called lamdrige... he really really sucked.. i have hardly seen anyone aim worst than him.. and he still calls me noob..when i was really keeping the team alive and going..

see there's this new hero called thrall.. as of now he's ownage and a little broken.. one of his skill consists of an aoe barrier that takes 1s to form, prevents enemies from moving into barrier or moving out of the barrier if he's trapped inside.. and an ulti that does aoe dmg and silences.. so nartually u combo them 2 tog.. pretty gd dmg and near unescapable if u're in the barrier..

but lamdrige missed EVERY single one of his barrier.. yes EVERY FREAKIN one...i have nv seen him trapped anyone inside his barrier..nt a single enemy.. rox right.. and so i scolded him, asked him to aim better.. he called me a noob.. fine.. so later on i asked him

me: i've nv seen thrall cast ulti b4
lamdrige: noob la, ulti must combo with barrier one leh
me: tts my whole point

yea...eddish players all around.. vic and i was saying to prevent an apocalyptic emo future we cannot have zy and hx+solar+jx+et3000 in the same team.. lets hope this team will nv exist..else everyone will be a walking DARTH EMO due to massive purpl

up next... convo pics and yog tkd! and grad night toooooo!!! =DDD

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