Sunday 25 July 2010

i has revived!!!

well actually its been a mth since i last updated..hahaha.. things has been really busy these couple of weeks or most do know ive been working for the last couple of weeks alr, actually 3 to be exact, but well really even when im doing NOTHING in office especially during the 1st week, i go back home..tired, loss of energy man... i tell u it must be the waking up early la!! cfm one lorrrrr..ahah..

ive been working in a small software company...things..well lets jus say it isnt the way i tot work might me..well mayb i havent really been working at all tts y i havent experienced much.. all i can say now is well i pretty much ilke the colleagues there..they're friendly and all.. but i dun really like the working culture as of now... lol.. pretty much says everything... might be a challange to last 2 yrs.. im thinking of escaping after 1.5..hahahahh.. alr planned..

so well what to do after 1.5yrs? lets see... i do wanna teach.. really.. i kinda discovered tt during my uni days i guess... initially i didnt want to..then suddenly..i kinda like it..hahha.. though i know teachers now are doing more admin than teaching, at least half of my work im doing smth i like rather than now im forcing myself to do smth i USED to like..

at least i still have tkd..or i still am going back tkd.. well its fun really..i like to kick stuffs..hahaah

aie the japan trip i lazy to post la..uploading pics to blogspot is a hassle u know.. have to arrange la, delete some extra blank spaces tt come out la, accidentally delete the pic must reupload la.. mega mafan..

OSIM is coming mannnn.. arghhhhh..i dread OSIMs..hahahaha... cuz im gg to have a project to do soon!!! =((((

at least convo's this sat..hahaha

been dotaing heavily esp during the weekends...weekdays nt yet la cuz i still got grad night stuffs to do.. wa to my horror eddism lives!! i mean..i havent seen et3000 in garnea for mths(1 mth ago et3000 played with us and he has nt improved much..but fed a little less..jus a little la) but still he infects ppl with his "noobish spores" or smth...only cleansing fire can purge noobish spores from an infected dota player..hahaha.. ive been seeing lots of weird items of ppl.. battlefury for potm anyone? or how abt am with shit items(vlad,bf) after farming nc and lane for 45mins.. even i had more powerful items than he has and i didnt farm nc for 45mins and i still pwned and get killed..

i guess i still have abit of things to say like after one mth of haitus in blogging..haha.. oh yea jus one more thing

RIP ur manga scans will be sorely missed..

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