Sunday 22 August 2010


actually im half watching the yog gymnastics and half blogging..hahaha... really really cool what the gymnasts can do.. hahaha

well EEE had a grad night a while ago called spectrum... i was part of the organising committee.. had work to do in the grad night itself.. but i had lots of fun nonetheless.. jus regret nt camwhoring at all! hahaha.. i left my camera in my bag which was in the hotel room!! =(((( but well i koped pics from everyone everywhere.. hahaha

really had a blast that night! hope it could have lasted longer and a really great and friendly emcee too! see whether u can spot him in the pics.. =P

with encik kenny suria!
with siying and ty popping (scarily) up behind.. siying actually had a flower behind her head.. well as in..flower on her head... really know how to dress up..haha
with my freshie yj.. v nice girl.. though her OG grp threw me up for like extra twice i think..ahha
with one of my v pro helpers!! without them grad night would be much more busy..haha
and of cuz pic with all the dip grp and the eee clique.. u guys rock!!

and everyone squeezing in for a pic with the emcee.. guess who.. =Pwell tml's mon again.. actually q tired now.. went for a photoshoot in botantic gardens and supreme court with some of the eee clique in our gown.. was melting but really really fun! hahaha.. hope can get some pics so upload here and in fb as well..
OSIM... hope fri comes fast... double happiness this fri.. weekend + $$$

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