Sunday 25 October 2009

the 5cm centipede

so i guess i wont be ever needing a cast for the recovery of my wrist fracture..had an appt on fri..doc took out the bandages and changed my wound dressing..and there i saw it..the 5cm "centipede" near my wrist..or the cuit where the surgeon made la...seriously with the stiches it looks like a centipede..
well i cant show the actual centipede pic..i think would be too

anw ya...then surgeon came in, he said my wrist is straight now, no need for casts and ask me go take xray then later come back for his review. so after waiting for eons, got my xray and saw the b4/after... b4 x ray was a crooked mess of bones, can see the obvious slant, the after surgery..well obvioulsy its straight again...with a fairly huge metal support+screws..ouch yea..haha.. after tt went to the rehab centre to learn the rehab exercises..

i really think my therapist talks and sounds like ming na, one of my tkd much so ive to look twice at the name tag to ensure it isnt ming na im talking to..haha...learn the simple exercises and the-rapist made a plastic splint for me for support..quite cool they way they made the splint..they put the plastic solid piece in water, mould it to the shape of my hand and added the velco straps..
after therapy, joined the tkd gang for them spar..i miss sparring soon soon, ill be back.. but b4 tt its therapy+exams... argh! at least the gd thing is tml is the final hrm presentation...or izzit gg to be another redo???!!

Tuesday 20 October 2009

jus like wolverine...

im back from op and feeling less giddy alr...though i vomitted nt too long ago..haha..but vomitting makes me feel better.. sadly there goes my snowfish...

well my op was scheduled at have to reach hospital at 1045am..yea..reached at 1020am though...then ok..registered, waited..then went in day surgery ward to take weight, change to op clothes and wait lor...wait wait name was called, nurse asked a few qns abt whether i got eat after midnight la, gir allegery or nt, teeth ok or nt etc.. and brought me to the op area liao

ok...reach op waiting room, another nurse took over and re asked me the exact same qn..the ok..waited for a while then the operating room nurse came in and re asked the golden qns and brought me into the op room.. op room was wat u all see in movies and tv show..yea..complete with the bog overhead lights..

then a doc came in..asked me those qns again to like quadruple cfm..then she tole me abt the op procedure.. ill get IVed..then after tt ill ko..then they will put a breathing tube thru my mouth...then after tt insert the metal support into my wrist(to become like wolverine as ernie mentioned...hahaha) while the IV feeds med to y ok lor..

i hate IVs cuz i had a horrible exp with 1 a few yrs back in NS..had fever for 4 consecutive days.. so the med officer told me to rest in sickbay..ok..then, yes i was IVed by a medic...i still rmb wat he said to me right b4 he stabbed me with the needle..his exact words were

"ill be IV-ing u. ill do it on ur non master hand(left) 1st, if i miss(the vein i guess) ill do it on the right, if i miss again ill try the left again..if still cannot ill tell the doc to do"

yea..fantastic....superb..obviously after tt statement i sian diao la..then he proceeded to IV me..and doesne feel like an injection..its more like stabbing thing he got the vein on his 1st try....

ok..bsck to today..well the doc's IV didnt hurt!! was some kinda huge pain..but its tt the doc asked me to breathe thru some mask, then told me she's injecting some med thru the IVed area..then i KO

after wat felt like a nap i woke up..feel ultra dizzy and yea, the world was spinning like tt..ok nurse pushed me to ward..had a rest there till my parents came..ate some biscuits and milo in the hospital..

ok was an exp..which i really wish nv to go thru again..haha..fri will be my 1st therapy session...

Saturday 17 October 2009

one armed emo chinaman

last 2 weeks were hell weeks, 3 assignments, hrm(enough ranting abt posts is enough to cover all the rants), 1 quiz and the temporary loss of an arm...haha..

yes i am typing this with 1
well abt the temporary fine tues night..was at training destressing and all..then gotta spar with one of my friends..sudd..while i was about to kick him..somehow either he pushed me and i fell or i jus lost balance and i all happened so fast..then..somehow instinctively i stuck out my left hand(falling to the left ma), heard a loud crack when i landed and cant move my wrist liao..the pain

ok..nic called ambulance...and told me likely fracture wrist..true is..went to a jab at my thigh(yes..leg there..thigh) to numb my wrist for initial x ray..came out its quite a bad fract...part of wrist is misaligned+broken into 4 waiting for eons, a female doc came with a few nurses..poked my left, right hand..fed a whole load of anethesia and constricted(stopped blood flowing with a machine) my left hand, injected a whole load of anethesia into my left, (the nurses was holding my left arm, the other my right) and the doc gave me the worse ever hand massage in my life, or so she said she was trying to align the bones....

after tt hand was casted, 2nd xray, needed to go back appt on thurs.. how my hand looks like...
completed with a thumbs up i tried to do...
now of cuz with a casted arm..the bc started calling me...
oh yea..yangguo
ok anw..went for appt and doc said i need to op if nt ill have a disfigured wrist for life..tues going for op..jus 1 need to stayover...after tt my wrist will be healing ok, then go for therapy..
ok la..will update after op!! lol..anyone v brave can give me some of his/her bravery..i really really hate IV(which will be done b4 i go into deep slp fpr the op)

Sunday 4 October 2009

recess week is ending...=(

never knew yr 4 was so busy until i have only posted once in september when there was quite a few events happening too(besides the usual cursing of MH, chui-ing for tuts etc etc)..hahaha... even UC(ultimate challenge) came and went alr! hahaha..of yea..foc pics, abit outdated...didnt really manage to kope alot of pics anw..for some reason no one took plenty and plenty of i koped what they have then..hahaha

day 2 starts with pool games! and a shot of sebas's sexy back..
while waiting for freshies the station masters+1 gl do what they do best..taking pics..
warm up by our team nikules(combination of nike and hercules) thing i wasnt there..would have been the fattest among all..haha
anything but friendly match btw mark and issac...with foams! haha..hey it hurts to get hit by one of those trust me..
the best shot of laserbeam u'll ever get...
after pool games its one of the many station games-- poison ball
chengyi logic "no one can hit my legs now!!"
the fastest butt game..we all behind are HOLDING the chairs gets pretty violent..
and being the pres makes u eligible to put ur face on the vp's legs(scandal anyone?! hehe)...
while ppl are stretching, benard is being tortured..seriouslyi think benard has the "come torture me" words on his head, be it stuffing his mouth with durian, suaning him abt lizards or having cy try to kiss him...
3 ppl helping cy to stretch... cy has a look of pure pleasure
then everyone else joined in the favourite activity of the day...stretching... at least its my fav..yea right..haha

well there was night games but nt many pics there, there's a day3 too but yea..nt too many pics oso.. pinball wasnt captured on camera..too chaotic..seriously..hahaha..

well there UC too! hahah...well if nt for eileen being the super super super senior in my grp i would have been one of the terms of ntu yrs..hahaha..ok la..age wise oso one of the oldest.. haha...cannot keep up with the young ones lo.. UC wasnt as tough as the yrs b4..but of cuz its still tiring..i mean, if 80 kicks x at least 5 set per leg per station isnt tiring then something's wrong..haha.previous yrs had more no of kicks..guess tommy is too nice..haha

well lots of my posts after china were abt tkd..guess im pretty involved..haha..i mean..thinking back i was thinking then at yr1 to run away after a few mths..guess tt nv happened and im still ard..haha
oh is the last day of recess..great huh...i totally spent my recess week doing fyp, assignments, ens well..ok i had a day to slack..but tts nt enough!! 11 days(inclusive of 2 weekends) and i spent 8 out of the 11 days doing work!! where's the recess!! arghhhhhh!!
well...2 assignments, 2 persentations, 1 quiz for the next 2 weeks to come...
----stupid blogger dun wanna let me write in proper paras..must use cheat mtd cuz i lazy to find out abt html..
jiayou to all students..this is when time will suddenly speed by and 1 turn eye its exams liao..haha