Friday 7 November 2008

pre golden week 2

back to the blogging scene once again! hahaha.. ookk this time the excuse is i got 2 essays tt ive to type in chi and 1 IA report(heng the report is in eng) to hand in pretty ard 2weeks+ time... esp the essay..handing it in in 2 weeks time.. of cuz i can jab jab front short hard to summon the secret character to help with the chi essays..but then hor.. secret character usually got prerequisists to choose one... so my secret character asked me to draft essays in really type out the 2500 chi word essay in whatever kinda chi i can manage and then send.. ok la..fair enough.. at least better than nth.. but still have to write essay either way..sianz...

ok...enough ranting and sulking over chi essays and IA reports.. lets cont with the golden week!! or pre golden week for this case.. haha... on sat, 27th sept(yes i know im way behind the date..ill try to catch up...busy la..haha), i went for the boring history lesson while celest and her father prob had their breakfast(i think they had some kinda crap i mean crabs for breakfast..yea..crabs..hahaha).. survived the history lesson then went over to sci and tech museum station to meet celest and her father for lunch...

started out by walking ard abit la.. and of cuz..i got hidden agenda...muahahahah.. i mean obviously if i see anything i like ill buy la... but.. i wanna show off my lvl 5 bargaining skills!!! RAWR!!! training for the bargaining skills was even worse than the 10s of pure pleasure 1 week ago.. cuz training jus doesnt last for 10s...and it doesnt come cheap.. esp with a sensei tt likes pmts(ok..changed to pgts recently)... but still.. ive alr been trained-ed and rdy to bargain the #$%^& out of the shopkeepers... beware!! muahaha
but 1st...of cuz...lunch!! hahaha... there's this chi kinda restaurant at one of the areas in the underground shopping center in the sci and tech museum...actually there was 2..both looked nt bad..but went for one of them(lets call it shop1..cuz i forgot the exact name..haha).. of cuz...ill let the pics speak..hehe

mushrooms...and no..this time we didnt ask the staff to heat it up..cuz its nt a cold dish..haha

the cold dish, some 白斩鸡(tts nt the actual name)...

prawns with salad cream..yummy..

sweet and sour fish

apparantly celest's father is kinda like a photograph pro..or at the v v least v particular abt the quality of photos taken... and gave a few like pointers... like sunlight shine at this certain angle then the pic will be 3d la..then like in pro pics like the face is what 1/3 from the top, then 1/3 from the sides, then 1/3 somewhere else...until its kinda looks like...lifelike or smth like tt ba.. well at least food doesnt have i didnt really need the care the 1/3 here, there, everywhere... abt the sunlight..well...usually ill jus take the pic of the food quickly..i mean..ppl waiting to eat leh..hahaha...but well abt pics tt involves real humans... ill try to take note la..and keep them in the pic(with wherever parts they want in the pic as well)..standing least nt slanted..hahahaha after tt lunch..full of energy alr.. time to show off my bargaining skills... hehe..

victim: belt shopkeeper, age:??(estimated to be in her mid20s), skill: ability to resist bargaining lvl5

challenger: will aka chinaman, age:22(still 22 ok! bday havent reach!!=p), skill: bargaining lvl5..

yea..went into this belt/shoe shop..had been looking for belts for a while..since i somehow lost mine in china... cant rmb how oso.. it jus sudd disappeared..T.T.. sad lor... ahha..but to get a new belt..hehe... so of cuz my 1st move was to cast a "belt for 80rmb la" spell... shopkeeper resists and cast "no cannot, 200rmb", i still v insistant..keep spamming "belt for 80rmb la"spell.. the shopkeeper running out of mana liao, but still cast the "no cannot, 160rmb", "no cannot, 130 rmb" and "no cannot, 100rmb" spells in quick succession... but shopkeeper in the end cannot keep up with my spamming of "belt for 80rmb la" spell and got hit.. direct hit, ITS SUPER EFFECTIVE!!*will aka chinaman continues with a win pose much like chun-li's ya-da jump* haha... and yea... got a (fake) diseal belt at 80rmb... and a lvl up for my bargaining skill...hehe...

after walking ard abit more at sci and tech museum... we all headed to 人民广场 to slack and walk ard b4 dinner....

went to walk at 南京路步行街...which is still as crowded..but still as nice as since i last went quite a while ago..hahahaha..

its china's national day soon!

well walking along 南京路步行街 abit saw this 干锅鸡 shop.. well looks nt decided to try it out.. walked into the alot of ppl like tt.. so seems nt bad..

unfortunately...the 干锅鸡really sux.... as u can see from above..there is hardly any 鸡... looks more like 干锅菜+干锅骗人stuff... seriously...most chicken i get are full of bones...and there's hardly any chicken to start out in the 1st place... overall...sux......

the 麻辣豆腐..which is nt bad...

the 干锅菜was so bad tt we really didnt eat alot...hahaha.. but well...end up we dabaoed them and gave it to the security guards below our house.... u an act of kindness..hahaha.. after tt slack at home liao.. resting b4 i eat somemore on the next day..ahhaha

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