Sunday 23 November 2008

the "im getting older" day

well, i side track from xi'an abit hor.... hahahaha.. temporary side track only.. will update soon... cuz was busy with IA report, presentation, some slacking, tkd and other stuff.. hahaha.. but typing this entry with a really red face courteosy of 2 cups of choya..(yes yes..i turn red v easily due to alcohol...hahahah)

gd thing i havent spewed rubbish to anyone yet.. then again.... i usually crap alot... so that can be considered rubbish... i guess? so does tt mean im drunk everyday? ahhahahaha... ok.. what i said earlier can be considered crap.. however well.. all the discoveries i made abt china earlier are true hor.. with extensive testing and experimenting.... so then i wasnt drunk.. but other times when i crap(or lame) with ppl im drunk..hahaha... but now seriously im red faced...

anw..... i jus wanna say a big thank you to everyone who wished me happy bday... sudd murphy oso wanted to join in the fun and some didnt receive my reply from msn.. but still yea... thanks alot alot for all those bday wishes... yea.. getting older.. but old is gold u know(ok..self 安慰)... hahahah... yup... well even ur bday thoughs/wishes are sent to over 3000 km away and im really happy abt it.. yup.. a big thank u again for those who send wishes, or even jus think a "happy bday" back in sunny singapore(ah yea..i miss the sun.. its roughly 12-15 degrees here now..haha)

of cuz..the xi'an trip will be updated soon..hehehe

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