Sunday 27 July 2008

the calm b4 the storm

Day 4 in shanghai(july 26th) 1100 hrs, 3 brave souls set off to find our IA companies..braving the hot sun, the crazy drivers who horn at everything tt moves and the favourite pastime of locals and tourists alike in china called "squeezing into transports".

1st company tt the 3 brave warriors decide to find is William's company..Corning Fibre Optics...and here's a summary of their adventure to find Corning..

1130 hrs: set off from their comfortable accom, the 3 warriors are confident..

1140 hrs: got onto the MTR..William notices a sign on the MTR. He warns his companions that the door may pinch their hands if they arent careful..

1220hrs: the brave warriors transferred to bus to cont their journey

1250hrs: bus reached new MTR station, the 3 carried on to 1 more stop b4 reaching near the company..

1315hrs: started walking out of MTR to find Corning..little does the 3 know..they are walking in the wrong direction....

1345hrs: met china cyclist who doesnt know where the h$%# he is..then met helpful road sweepers who quickly told us how to get to our destination..

1400 hrs: William realises tt zebra crossings like those shown below(esp those without traffic lights) are,buses,taxis,bicycles alike treat them as if they arent beware! zebra crossings in china are just "useless white lines on the road"
1430 hrs: after walking ard in the blazing heat..our heroes found.......


1500: our heroes nua in starbucks..planning their next route.....
THE END(for now)

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