Saturday 26 July 2008

1st few days in china

hey all! hahaha..ok requested by my amp and alot of ppl, i think i shld set up a blog on china(and mayb cont after tt)...yea...ok la..jus like to rmb the exp and everythine i went thru la far ill be talking abt the 1st 4 days here in shanhai(since i was only here for 4 days..but hey..quite abit happened)
but 1st..let me go backwards abit to 22nd july ard 10pm-midnight at the airport. 1 big thanks to all who sent me off then..super gan dong..heng nv are all the grps

ntu tkd


most of my zai programmers

sparex participants

yea..and of cuz my dip grp(dun have photo of them) and my parents.. after 5 hrs of flight(mainly jus on off slping during flight and having breakfast at a ungodly hour of 4am) we all reached shanghai!!

tts my 1st pic of shanghai..didnt manage to take the airport cuz too seh alr..hahaha..till next post! more on shanghai and the 1st few days!

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