Tuesday 29 July 2008

1st day at work

So the 1st 2 days have passed by for my IA in china..ok la..let me briefly sum up what happened on the 1st day.. for those who still cant rmb..im working at Corning fibre optics..and no..their fibre optics isnt made from corn..its made from glass melted and pulled and ah i cant rmb whatever they breifed in chi..anw..

Day 1 @ work

supposed to report to corning at 830am..takes ard 1.5hrs to reach my workplace..so i decided to wake up at 6am jus to be in time..then again..when i woke up...
tts 6am in shanghai and i tot it was 8am. Apparantly i didnt know tt summer has longer time for daylight..so like i woke up, checked my watch again and again to make sure its 6am then like..got rdy for work..surprisingly train wasnt crowded..then again mayb i was too early and missed the morning crowd..

then near my workplace...well there's an road side stall tt sells smth tt looks like roti prata..seriously..haha.. and of cuz like all food in china, oil is free(ie too much oil )..well abit paiseh to take a pic without buying so when im brave enough to try it ill oso take a pic of it then yea..it really looks like roti prata.haha
then i went to corning, up to the receptionist..showed her the piece of paper then told her(all translated into eng)
William: Hi, im from ntu doing gip, im posted here *gives receptionist gip IA attachment slip*

Recep: er, we dun have any students doing attachment here. And this is nt 200 qinjiang road..

William: what?! but i thought this is corning!!

Recep: their are a few Cornings ard.

William: (wt#$%^&* man!!) ok, so where is 200 qinjiang road?? I tot this place is 200qinjiang road

Recep: this is 69meilian road and i have no idea where 200qinjiang road is.

William: (wt @#$%^&*#$%^&*#$%^&*#$%^&* !!!!!!!) ok thank you.

well fantastic man!! great stunner to start the day..well still i jus tried my luck and walked down along the qinjiang road..and there i saw the REAL corning tt im attached to..

so after i found the REAL corning...I LEVELED UP!!! *play final fantasy fanfare*

EMO -2

ok lame i know..tts y my LAMENESS increased the most.. anw....

pic of chinese workers gg to work in their bicycles.. well my workplace is in a 'high tech park'. And well...its filled with low tech bicycles...bicycles are jus everywhere in china..

Work started with briefings...and more briefings..and more briefings(yes all in chinese..i can dare say its the most number of chinese words ive heard in 1 single day)..then lunch.

Since my company is too ulu-lated most of the workers bring their own lunch..or order from food catering services...which is what i did for the 1st day..order from food catering service..

then after tt more briefing and finally meet the supervisor...

well i didnt get my own cubicle(or actually more like a room) till quite a while later...and...

oh yea..tts a pic underneatht the table..hahah..surprising it can hold with mine and my partner's(i got another gip student in the same department as me) com on it.
Im under the process engineering department..think its on the software and hardware on how they process the fibre optics..and in machinery and the programs used..well tt is what i heard from my supervisor..(btw i feel proud alr understanding 20% of what my supervisor said, he's prc. Usually i would only understand <5%)
ok..more on work soon..after i survive the week ahead..hahaha

Sunday 27 July 2008

the calm b4 the storm

Day 4 in shanghai(july 26th) 1100 hrs, 3 brave souls set off to find our IA companies..braving the hot sun, the crazy drivers who horn at everything tt moves and the favourite pastime of locals and tourists alike in china called "squeezing into transports".

1st company tt the 3 brave warriors decide to find is William's company..Corning Fibre Optics...and here's a summary of their adventure to find Corning..

1130 hrs: set off from their comfortable accom, the 3 warriors are confident..

1140 hrs: got onto the MTR..William notices a sign on the MTR. He warns his companions that the door may pinch their hands if they arent careful..

1220hrs: the brave warriors transferred to bus to cont their journey

1250hrs: bus reached new MTR station, the 3 carried on to 1 more stop b4 reaching near the company..

1315hrs: started walking out of MTR to find Corning..little does the 3 know..they are walking in the wrong direction....

1345hrs: met china cyclist who doesnt know where the h$%# he is..then met helpful road sweepers who quickly told us how to get to our destination..

1400 hrs: William realises tt zebra crossings like those shown below(esp those without traffic lights) are useless...cars,buses,taxis,bicycles alike treat them as if they arent there..so beware! zebra crossings in china are just "useless white lines on the road"
1430 hrs: after walking ard in the blazing heat..our heroes found.......


1500: our heroes nua in starbucks..planning their next route.....
THE END(for now)

day 1 plus apartment..

well of cuz..besides the airport and the ntu shanghai office...the next place i went to is...my apartment! hahaa..well my apartment is at 西藏南路(xizhangnanlu)which is 5mins walk from 陆家浜(lujiabang)MRT (they call it MTR in china..no idea what it means) station. Its a v convenient area though its a little run down: broken pavements, homeless everywhere, bare patch of land which they named it as '停车场' or carpark. But well..its convenient..which is really gd..and its 4 stops away from town..haha
and the pic below shows my apartment from far..

now for the inside-the-apartment pics!

1st bedroom..taken up by my other 2 roomies

living room(with my 2 roomies..)



my room!! (pic 1)

my room pic 2

yea..apartment as u can see its pretty new(it was jus renovated b4 my roomies and i moved in) but v bare...so end up after jus settling down, all of us have to go to a nearby mart to get our neccessities. To end off for this post....a view of my area from my room! haha

Saturday 26 July 2008

1st few days in china

hey all! hahaha..ok la..as requested by my amp and alot of ppl, i think i shld set up a blog on china(and mayb cont after tt)...yea...ok la..jus like to rmb the exp and everythine i went thru la hor..ahhaa..so far ill be talking abt the 1st 4 days here in shanhai(since i was only here for 4 days..but hey..quite abit happened)
but 1st..let me go backwards abit to 22nd july ard 10pm-midnight at the airport. 1 big thanks to all who sent me off then..super gan dong..heng nv cry.haha..here are all the grps

ntu tkd


most of my zai programmers

sparex participants

yea..and of cuz my dip grp(dun have photo of them) and my parents.. yup..so after 5 hrs of flight(mainly jus on off slping during flight and having breakfast at a ungodly hour of 4am) we all reached shanghai!!

tts my 1st pic of shanghai..didnt manage to take the airport cuz too seh alr..hahaha..till next post! more on shanghai and the 1st few days!


test test test..1st time blogger ah..must try out posting..haha