Sunday 3 October 2010

WARNING: et3000 is back in power

okok i kinda lied abit..thurs night i was sc2ing(i think) the whole night online and actually i wanted to blog at work..but then again i was kinda caught up at work to blog..really getting busy now..i'm doing proj and suddenly another is thrown to me, and another, and taking over tt really sucks at times..and i think there's worse to come u know...sianz...
well bad news or gd news 1st? i guess mayb bad news some of you might or might nt have known i went for the tkd nationals on 12oct. and...apparently the opponent is one of my friends from the club.. during the match his right leg and my left leg clashed..and ended up i fractured my 5th metatarsal...or tt same bone david beckham fractured in 2002. was pretty bad.. the bone was displaced and i had to be hospitalised and went for op again..yes i know i know..barely a yr since i became wolverine and now i'm ironman with the metal in the leg. fortunately the stuff in my leg are wires which are sticking out and so i heard the doc will pull them out..and i shld be slowly going back to normal.. well during the time i was hospitalied i really wanna thank all those ppl who came down and those tt gather ppl to come visit was really really touching. must really thank all of them, esp those who stays really far away to take their time off to visit me in hospital. oh nt only tt..oso visit me when im at home after i was discharged on wed too..hahha

too bad i cant take pics of all the gifts they brought.. well alot are food,milk and sort and so its alr consumed by a really hungry and bored me sitting at home at tt point of time(i had mc until the 30th sept, i followed the mc till 20th sept then i went back work) but i liked one of them in particular..its v cool i think
pretty cool the olden chinese books. and it reads jiu yang shen gong.super power kinda meaning. i like it alot. the pages inside is blank like notebook like tt.but i cant bear to use it.haha..

Darth emo and xl gave me a hello kitty balloon! or smth close to tt..i still have it but its deflated and look kinda "lifeless" at my computer desk..i prob wont throw it away though..hahaha.

actually of cuz it does suck getting this really mafan injury. im on clutches now and even walking to the toliet brings some kinda difficult esp when the floor is wet.. but well its an accident and im ok with my friend causing me tt injury. nt tt happy with the way he handles the whole thing i guess.doesnt matter anw..nt really tt close to him oso. no big loss..

well so i was at home for excatly 9 days.. and gd things b4 that..i bought..SC2! oh yea..i ok didnt speed thru the campaign.i took my time and played all the missions possible and even online play after tt. my lappy's running on low but when i (illegally now) use my bro's com to play on ultra setting. its gorgeous really...on ultra the graphics is sooooo gd... my eyes now hurt when i play low. hahaa.. and really smths u'll jus send units to death on ultra display(which is y my unit lost is among the highest.. ok tt and including my poor micro) jus to see them explode or fall off, roll down ramps etc etc.

well so back to the main topic. yes folks. et3000 is back in full power in dota. spawning nooblings all over. we used to nt want et3000 in our team. i mean this still holds a little bit. but when et3000 joins our team, he will implant nooblings in the opposing team. and boy those nooblings obey their master's command to the last word. they're so bad they make et3000 seem decent(whisper the name freestyler to zy and he will instantly emo. the fact tt zy wants to play with et3000 over fresstyler speaks v much for itself). just to let their master win games and get a decent k/d score. i mean of cuz there are times when still nooblings didnt make it in time to join the opposing team and of cuz with et3000 its a really freaking uphill battle to win but still the amt of nooblings all ard is jus..astounding..haha
reminds me of a pic i posted quite a while ago..guess ill repost it...

now we're jus hoping tt et3000 dun get sc2.. i mean there's alr a ton of nooblings in sc2, we just dun need more. i always rmb 2 of the best games i had with nooblings. one of them i scouted with my scv..i saw enemy massing void rays(protoss air ships tt deals more and more dmg the longer they focus on their targets). and so i told my ally "build AA(anti-air) i see voids". my ally f$^&ing massed zealots(protoss basic unit, melee, CANT attack air). wtf..i so so stunned and cant believe my eyes when the enemy sent like 15 or so voids to his base and massacred his entire army and probes.

2nd game with a noobling ally in sc2 was when i was rushed by 2 enemies. i was calling for help from my ally cuz i cant hold longer. my ally said he has no minerals to buy army. BUT... the next thing i saw my ally did was went to his natural(nearest mineral field to his main base) and f$^&ing expand(tt cost at least 400minerals to do, which can afford quite abit of forces). WTF. of cuz all my forces got killed. i sneaked out a few scvs but cant be bothered to carry on and i quit.haha
oh yea mooncake festival(i know i know its called mid autumn festival..but mooncake festival sounsd so much cooler) jus went by last week. and a bunch of great friends came to my place to celebrate! really niec of them too esp since it was supposed to be in sch but due to my injured leg they changed it to my house..hahah...totally lit up the entire wed night.

my next appt is like next mon. i hope the wires are taken out and well...mayb i can walk? i dunno. i rmb the doc saying a mth then i can walk. but ms pro took 2 mths or so. well im expecting 2mths later then i can walk. but we shall see.. hope for the best..haha

and a little smth for all you sc fans out there...

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