Sunday 31 October 2010

and now its down to the best of 8

have been massively chionging sc2 these days..usually it means for weekedays rush home to watch gsl season 2, which is getting more epic, and after tt dota/sc2..for weekends is as just like what ivan's fb event says "hardcore sc2 gaming".. hahah.

well if anyone, or any sc2 fan hasnt been following the gsl then well..actually most ppl would have known now... the last gsl's champ, fruitdealer...has been eliminated!! *GASP!! and he was pwned by "fake" boxer. now this guy isnt the real boxer... or i mean he jus used boxer's nick and entered gsl season 2.. he's a very agressive player as from what i seen in his last few vids, usually v quick 2 rax pump out units and start the aggression. which is what he did to fruitdealer(FD)... twice...

the 1st time fake boxer did an early aggression to FD he caught him offguard.. the 2nd time though i just tot FD didnt play to the best of his abilities.. he did a baneling drop on boxer's troops but it was kinda too little too late.. FD was seriously behind then and well he didnt gg immediately, he sent out drones and all to put up a final fight then gg.. sad ending for the previous champ of gsl. but well tt means now there will be a new champ!

there's a lone player from china in the gsl(aptly named as loner) who is pretty gd.. but there was one real noobish, prob unintended, play by loner..loner sent siege tanks to defend against enemy mutas attacking his base!! *GASP! haha..i think it was a misclick cuz there's no way such a high calibre player would do tt..but hey..loner did it and vic was saying et3000 has invaded korea..

nooooooooooooo!!! could we see more of such noobish play.. has eddism reached sc2 so quickly?!?!? will the emporer send his marauders against void rays due to eddism?!?! =(((((

but well later on loner had the suayness to meet the emporer himself, got outplayed and was eliminated. currently right the round of 8, which will start tml.. and man tues is nada vs the emporer.. woooooo... epic epic epic match i tell u.. im gg to pk early from work jus to catch this matchup!! haha

there's only 1 sole protoss left in the round of 8(nexgenius) and he's going against the runner up last gsl, hopetorture.. man i wish nexgenius would advanced jus so there's a protoss play and diversity still left in the final rounds.. else it would be like TvZs or the epically boring ZvZ(sry i mean tts just my far all the ZvZ ive seen is like baneling-ing each other..or in idra's case, getting swarmed by roaches)

this week is a short week! fri holiday!! woohoooo... and next mon i got med appt! so im having kinda like a half day mc. i really hope i can like walk then...really im so craving for so many things alr.. bubble tea, kfc, mos, ji pa, omg all the unhealthy food la cuz i basically have none at home..hahaha

and yest was the k tigers i missed it..argh!!!! i hope someone somewhere records it somehow so i can get to watch..haha..and besides tt i hope they come back next yr so i can catch them live..haha

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