Sunday 22 August 2010


actually im half watching the yog gymnastics and half blogging..hahaha... really really cool what the gymnasts can do.. hahaha

well EEE had a grad night a while ago called spectrum... i was part of the organising committee.. had work to do in the grad night itself.. but i had lots of fun nonetheless.. jus regret nt camwhoring at all! hahaha.. i left my camera in my bag which was in the hotel room!! =(((( but well i koped pics from everyone everywhere.. hahaha

really had a blast that night! hope it could have lasted longer and a really great and friendly emcee too! see whether u can spot him in the pics.. =P

with encik kenny suria!
with siying and ty popping (scarily) up behind.. siying actually had a flower behind her head.. well as in..flower on her head... really know how to dress up..haha
with my freshie yj.. v nice girl.. though her OG grp threw me up for like extra twice i think..ahha
with one of my v pro helpers!! without them grad night would be much more busy..haha
and of cuz pic with all the dip grp and the eee clique.. u guys rock!!

and everyone squeezing in for a pic with the emcee.. guess who.. =Pwell tml's mon again.. actually q tired now.. went for a photoshoot in botantic gardens and supreme court with some of the eee clique in our gown.. was melting but really really fun! hahaha.. hope can get some pics so upload here and in fb as well..
OSIM... hope fri comes fast... double happiness this fri.. weekend + $$$

Wednesday 18 August 2010

relating my tkd with yog

actually i was tasked by jh aka bangla-cow to type this well... relating the yrs i've been practising tkd with yog tkd, with a total of less than 500 words will do..

so here's the main article...

ok done... (0 words)
hahahaha...there's a max limit but there's no min limit.. =P
ok la ok la..onto the real main article..

1stly ill start of with yog tkd. i've been watching some of the matches, or as many as in possibly can,replays and live matches, from sun-today(tml i can catch the semis onwards) in a company with only 2 computers that have internet access.. or if im nt watching with my iphone ive been logging in to webbies and getting updates. I went to watch tkd live on sunday.. and i enjoyed most of the matches.. well most.. some of them were really boring due to the fact tt there were 2 defensive players waiting for each other.. but i saw the real speed and sharpness of some of the gd player's kick... even we can learn much jus by watching these youths

I think all these youths really have great potiential.. i mean..even those tt lost 12-0 and they're the 0.. i do hope for all these kids no matter they results, they go back and train hard and come back stronger.. i really enjoyed watching them. and oh..congrats to the 2 sg players who won medals. they totally deserved it.

having said gg to relate this to myself. I've been training tkd for almost 4 yrs alr.. its nt alot compared to most of other ppl out there and im still learning.. after watching yog tkd.. i feel tt i have much more to learn still.. hahaah.. and i oso hope i can get some of the determination and the perserverance of the kids i saw.. i mean 4x headkicks by an opponent who has godlike speed,many ppl would have given up. Even I tot the one who has 0 would have given up. but i see 15-17yr olds standing up, trying their best, kicking, pushing themselves.. even though its 0-12... its really smth I can truely learn from them.

and well smth else i can learn..the kicks man! hahaha..some of them have really awesome techniques in getting scores.. can analyse analyse and use.. lol..

in a way.. coming nationals... well after all, i feel i have nth to lose.. so inspired by what the kids can do, i'll train hard, perservere(however u spell) even in the toughest of shifu's training, jus push myself to my limits. win or lose, well win is a bonus, every battle is an experience. im nt afraid to say tt im still a fresh blackbelter.. i have so much to go, and im willing to go for it,to push myself,to be fearless and nv give up. after all if 15-17yr olds can do it.. so can we uni students or post grads..
i hope everyone else in the club, can perservere thru adversities too!
(443 words)
there cow.. done the post..hahaha.. even if he doesnt read it anw.. hahah

Sunday 8 August 2010

convo '10-- a surprisingly fun event

and it finally came to the day some of us have been, or have nt really been waiting for for the past 4 yrs in uni... convocation!! haha.. the official more solemn graduation ceremony for us fresh grads.. so mine's on a sat, 31st july.. and i was still abit disappointed tt y mine nt on 30th july then i can get long weekend.. but then huh.. on hindsight.. i prefer it to be on 31st..hahaha.. cuz it didnt rain like crazy on 31st and can run ard ntu for camwhore sessions..

for eee since we have tons of students, our convo sessions is split into 2.. morning from 10am- 1pm for surnames A-L and afternoon from 2pm-6pm for M-Z.. so im in the morning session ah.. hahah.. and yes i reached sch at 830am alr so my father can easily find a parking space..haha.. the convo is held at ny audi.. and its time to gown on! with plenty of help from mama
and right at the same spot with gown.. and tie.. and it really freakin hot in tt gown i tell u! one shot with my family, mama ,papa and grandpa after tt my parents went into the audi while actually.. i alr entered.. but jeff xl forgot to bring his tix! hahah.. so i went out to find him..and it was kinda.. i guess blessing in disguise.. after all i found a few of my friends to kick start the initial camwhore session.. but i dun have the pics yet cuz i didnt bring my camera out.. oh better camera had to spoil leaving me with only the sucky camera..the same sucky one i brought to china.. hahaha.. but hey.. tt still works gd enough

anw.. my mom took this pic i thikn..when we were all standing to sing tt vit C gradutation song... heng our valdicdortian(dunno how to spell..basically the guy with tons of As, 1st class, tons of other sports and cca achievements gets to speak to all grads..) speech was pretty interesting... much more than i tot..hahaha(gd thing we voted him! and nt the.. A......T.....) after the massive camwhore sessions..

standing here with my gip friend, terry.. ok i owe him my hall in yr4 too otherwise i wont have survived ivp.. hahaha me right outside the ny audi.. can u believe they oso had a "yog" kinda stand like tt... during our convo.. man.. those ppl really ah.. all put "congrats class of 2010" la.. what has yog gotta do with convo..haha.. anw.. yea here's a stand with "congrats class of 2010" and oh yea oh yea the flowers were shared by yewhang and angie, in which yh came and delivered the flowers cuz angie was in hk and oso angie wrote a card for a few of us(and delivered by yh again too..) really really touched! haha..thanks angie and yh!!! =Dms pro and i.. after 4 long yrs my law still stands

"if u see your answer and ms pro's answer is different, no matter how confident u are, u're wrong and she's right. u shld change your answer." w xl, my fellow insinyur campmate, programmer, mp, tts alot of committees with xl.. didnt realise tt eh..hahahah.. unlike tt ivan who after 1 insinyur then nv go alr.. lol with jeff xl! my jjc classmate! we all used to bball, play magic the gathering, skip lessons(with then the normal ivan tang and nt darth emo)
ms pro and i with gws.. our fav fyp prof.. with his threatening emails, all the scary presentations to him and his threatening us "tt our presentation isnt gd" emails to us.. oh did i mention he sends threatening emails to us?
w prof chong.. who looks like he might teach robotics since he's standing like a robot but no..actually he teaches wireless communication which the subject by itself is pretty interesting to me... hey.. the way a 2G hp works is much more complicaetd than i tot..hahaha with i think so.. haha..she taught database tog with a russian prof(the russian prof really really needs some translation)..v nice prof though
after tt the afternoon session ppl arrived early and its another camwhore session all again!! life in eee would really really be dull without all of these guys and girls... ahah
did i mention darth emo is in the 2nd session? hahha.. to the eyes of the normal ppl, the pic with darth emo and i looks as such..
but to those who experienced emoism during dota or have got emo blasted by the emo god b4(we recently jus welcoemd the newest emo dota member, solaremo85).. the pic with darth emo and me looks like this... yes..with a emo purple cloud

w insinyur '07 best freshie(i got it correct right? best freshie...haha) suria! hah

more grp pics with darth emo and our eee clique
this plague is located jus outside sbs.. every yr after convo they'll add a date there.. kinda symbolising tt this batch of students grad alr.. pretty cool..haha
and a final pic right outside jalan bahar(which is sealed now all thanks to tt yog stuff.. seriously... yog turned ntu into a prison i tell u..but lets rant on it in another time)

the 1st day i stepped into ntu i had a pic here too! though it wont be the final day i step into ntu on the 31st but well.. final day as a student ba..hahaha
as i left sch.. kinda had mixed feelings la..i was really really happy and enjoyed myself with all the camwhoring sessions with all my friends in eee.. the hat throwing pic im waiting for suria to upload.. hahaha.. but really felt a pang of sadness and like the feeling of "i wanna study a few more yrs with u guys in sch again" but well... life goes on yea.. and the chap of ntu life has closed..
sadly no more tt much of slacking times, pon lesson, last min copy work, copy quiz, mugging in lwn till midnight.. hahaha....i really treasure those times and im alr missing them..hahaha
life in ntu with everyone else i've met along the way.. really was fun!!! =D

Monday 2 August 2010

darth emo's revival

well firstly believe it or nt i really really wanna blog alot of stuff...but i jus dun have the time to do so, given i got ge stuff, im working, and after doing everything its like time to slp..arghhh.. but then again.. lets blog abt... DARTH EMO'S REVIVAL!!!

after et3000's sudden(but really freaking relieving) disappeareance from dota, there's no more good emo catalyst, hx is ok but he rarely plays with us.. jx can do at times but he's inconsistant.. so some games he'll be owning.. and somehow the emoism in darth emo is slowly decreasing.. slowly but surely.. Now emo god sensed this, and he doesnt want his strongest disciple to jus fade away into happy-go-lucky land..

so yest night, right on the once un-emoed ivan tang's bday, emo god jioed us all from the BC to have a game.. and from there.. he channeled all his A++ grade emoism into the weakening darth emo, proclaiming his pudge nv hunt, he isnt a man of his words when threatening to quit and that he's useless... and thus, a purple cloud tt covers jurong to pasir ris for 3 days was formed, and lo and behold.. darth emo is REVIVED!!!! and stronger than ever!!! this time threatening nt only to quit dota for 3 days.. but FOREVER!!!(of cuz we know darth emo wont quit dota, he jus emo and proclaim he will quit dota).. darth emo's back and emo-er than ever! converting ppl into emos with jus a mere glance from him.. the world we once know will forever be emo...

ok great story..ahhaha.. well actually nt only darth emo has revived.. man eddism is spreading.. jus 2 days ago my friend and i played with this guy called lamdrige... he really really sucked.. i have hardly seen anyone aim worst than him.. and he still calls me noob..when i was really keeping the team alive and going..

see there's this new hero called thrall.. as of now he's ownage and a little broken.. one of his skill consists of an aoe barrier that takes 1s to form, prevents enemies from moving into barrier or moving out of the barrier if he's trapped inside.. and an ulti that does aoe dmg and silences.. so nartually u combo them 2 tog.. pretty gd dmg and near unescapable if u're in the barrier..

but lamdrige missed EVERY single one of his barrier.. yes EVERY FREAKIN one...i have nv seen him trapped anyone inside his barrier..nt a single enemy.. rox right.. and so i scolded him, asked him to aim better.. he called me a noob.. fine.. so later on i asked him

me: i've nv seen thrall cast ulti b4
lamdrige: noob la, ulti must combo with barrier one leh
me: tts my whole point

yea...eddish players all around.. vic and i was saying to prevent an apocalyptic emo future we cannot have zy and hx+solar+jx+et3000 in the same team.. lets hope this team will nv exist..else everyone will be a walking DARTH EMO due to massive purpl

up next... convo pics and yog tkd! and grad night toooooo!!! =DDD