Tuesday 2 February 2010

Is there any dota post that does not include ed?

well..jan is over....really quickly..well i mean..suddenly its week 4 of sch.. week 4 of my last sem in sch!! =(((((...man i really dun wanna grad...ok i wanna earn money but well i think work can and is boring at times..i prefer studying! i can pon lect but i cant pon work! arghhhh.. ahhaah..well...still.. we all have to grad and start working...

went for career fair at the end of jan...man..lots and lots of companies and ppl..haha..left my name in a few and all kinds of work ranging for engineering to financial advisors to government jobs.. hope they do reply or ask for interviews soon..hahha... vic came by too! to oogle at girls.. he claimed he was spying at how the other companies set up booths..but we all know the real truth

then again...while schooling...we have been....dotaing of cuz!! muahahaha..even when i 1st shift into hall on a sun night i was dotaing! wahhaha... and of cuz with dota we'll talk abt the emo catalyst ed.. ed is vic's creation of horror. Worst than a cheap low budget horror film, ed will make sure u become and stay emo..

recently ed's bro played( we were sure ed's bro was playing..his ursa had a dominating streak pwning some useless troll..still i mean..hardly anyone was noober than ed and his snail speed reaction time...) ursa and ed starting becoming bolder, scolding vic for being kei gao after ksing him numerous times and.....guess what..... claiming tt he's a master of dota*gasp* ... well..ill let this pic tell u all our reaction...its excatly similar when ed declared himself master of dota

well ed u cant be a master when...
1) rushing into team battles after the whole stuff is over..oh yea...ed rushed into my mag after we chased away his team..of cuz the result was a 1 sided rape of ed's bara

2) having the reaction speed of a snail.. yea..ed stones at spots, claiming he's watching stuff..worse, a hero could backstab u, u run ard screaming for help and ed still creeps.worse..when heroes backstab ed..with a gazillion pings and 'b' from allies, he still doesnt budge

3) having a horrible last hit.. vic claims tt ed's last his is so horrible, he daggers half hp units with PA.. pa's dagger at lvl 4 takes away ard slightly less than 1/4 of the creep's hp..tts alot alr and to think ed cant time tt right..

4) misses his ursa's stomp 99% of the time, this i do nt need to elaborate..

man..more tut less dota..next tues i have to present tut4 qn1 for 4188... argh..a 4 part qn which looks cheeem... sianzzz

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