Sunday 14 February 2010

happy cny!

ard 2 more weeks to ivp..going nervous alr! hope the team really can perform..ok..i mean..wrong.. they will perform their very best and they wont regret it..haha

fyp..ah sux..i wanted to do fyp during the cny break..but well.. there isnt any mood man.. i only got mood for eating, drinking, eating and much much much more eating...

this yr's cny is tog with vday.. thus i think making lots of chi flower shop owners work on the 1st day of cny including one of my life's hard.. nt where whether it affects any restraurants sales.. since all will charge higher prices seperately on these 2 days(which are differenet days) rather than on the same day...

AND HAPPY CNY TO ALL! gong xi fa cai! huat ah!! haha..hope this yr will be an even better one for all of u!!!!!!!!!!

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