Monday 13 July 2009

we own them sandbags

well im back from ict..haha..ok la..i was back since fri, after tt pop by for training(i missed kicking) which..after a while i was tired lorrrrr..blame the lack of 7hrs of slp for the past tues-thurs, had less than 1hr of slp on tues night to wed morning..1 night of recovery 8hr slp wasnt enough!!

hahaa.. anw ict is over..2 weeks , ok la..nt overly tough..but challenging at times..esp during the exercise...i cant say too much here cuz its restricted and all but..out of all the hardships(ive nv changed positions tt many times in my ns life b4) and the lack of slp, i have to say..i really had some fun chionging up the hills with the men again.. and of cuz sharing of all the stories from our perspective(like my exercise spare PC screaming "Y CANT WE BE FRIENDS" and firing his rifle at them enemies..).. partially have to thank our "enemies" for giving us such a fun time too, even though we were like firing and chasing each other like crazy..

sry no pics this time round..cannot bring camera phone into camp right?? hahahaha

and there's more stuff to be happy abt..haha..ok be exact is 2 big events coming right up..

1st one on sat the is "tkd quarantine" event.. it came abt when a few of us had an outing on the 28th june..jus b4 my ict..we wanted to play card games at settlers but due to strong murphy's law settlers was closed in holland v, minds cafe is full in argh la... but..we sat down..and brainstormed for the next outing..and lo and behold.. tkd quarantine came abt! hahaha.. end up we asked ntu tkd practioners from all batches tt we still can contact in hopes tt they will come and have fun and eat and la..haha.. so..its going to be great!! =D

2nd one is the combined engine camp insinyur!! hahah..its from 19th july- 24th july.. the applicants are selected alr(the most applicants since i dunno when..prob nv this many before), the grps are all up, the seniors camp done(pretty gd feedback i must say) and i think we are almost rdy to go..haha..jus last few minor touchups and loose ends to tie looking forward to it and having fun fun fun!! hahahaha...(and the programmers shirt looks v nice and the main comm one too and aiya most of the shirts!! woooooo..hahahah)

but b4 all these play..haiz..have to go back reserach for fyp..which i was supposed to do now..ya..supposed to..end up blogging..haha..hve to take a break right?? haha..

july's gg to be busy..but will be mega fun too...

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