Saturday 18 July 2009

Power pride and posture(i think its posture..argh..blame my bad memory)

well the 3Ps.. cx mentioned it during training yest while teaching me..haha..its a new style..and yea..feels comfortable and gd for me..haha.. had a few gd kicks(on so sry!!) so starting to feel comfortable with tt style a little..mayb after a few training(cuz usually nt too confident of my own is trying to change tt)..well see how it goes.hahaha... but ya lor..besides tt yest i was more like a sandbag..haha...being like target kicked for the new training vp, then oso slammed by future pres....ahh..i ok..i still like the trainings! haahahah

anw tml is alr insinyur...wooo!! so excited!!! hahahahaaha... ok la..this will be the final yr ill be involved in insinyur as a it main or sub....yea..likely la..i wont have time anymore i feel.. ya one will definately be enjoyable for all..freshies, sub comm and main comm!! hahaha..we will make it so!! =P.. all my mps are prepared, all events shld be covered for..lets do it!! woohoo

going to get "quaRANTined" hahaha..will definately be fun oso..besides the fact i have to lug 3 bags along..ok will be eaten away.. prob gotta call for help oso...cuz xuanie told me pauline oso got plenty of stuff to much as i would like to help(with my own 3 bags)..ok la..old and unfit alr..wahahhaha..see how it goes la huh....

2 fun filled events!! woo..and oh yea oh yea..after camp...currently its kuishinbo with the CFC!! hahaa..ok la..i nt official member of CFC.. i er.... guest times appear only..haha.. well..must eat with them!! else 1 go uk, 1 go msia and 1 go nus for uni!! all split so far lor..haha... but heng now got msn/skype.. last time my father go angola when i was pri 2..all we had then was letters, phone calls in which i cant hear what half my father was saying and postcards which arrives like mths after the date he wrote..hahaha

okok..back to insinyur!! i come!!!!!!!!!!! (ie ill disappear for a week..)

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