Friday 22 May 2009


haha..yest night was the release of the exam results.... v fast hor.. its like 1 mth into holiday only then the prof all mark finish ard..super scary.. haha.. anw..aiya..i deprove by abit...jus a little bit.... ok la...a bit sad oso..ahahah tot i can improve.... =(.. but really jus drop by abit. 0.02 pts only....hahahaha but ahhh.. need to work hard next sem man... no choice liao.. last 2 sems! rawr!!!!!!!(guess tt means less dota too..haha) pro or dr lee as she proclaim tts her future title, has done v v v v v well as usual.... she keep saying tyco but no la..cannot tyco until 4-5 As one leh.. ahhaah...tts y she's ms pro, the name given isnt fake ok!! until alot of As.. hehe.. now i has formulated william's 2nd law liao..hahah

william 2nd law states tt any qn tt ms pro thinks she's wrong has a 90% chance of being actually correct, 5% chance of being a breakthrough new ans tt no prof has ever tot of and given full marks, 4.9% chance the prof is stunnded by her overall pro-ness and give her full credit, 0.1% chance wrong

william 2nd law oso stats that any qn tt ms pro thinks she's correct then she's 105% correct

its tested and proven since yr1sem1 so tts y its a law...test and proven correct! muahahhaha

ok can go training and vent anger abit... this weekend busy man.. got rt, got chalet got alot of stuff to check and do..argh! well at least the research fellow i met yest didnt expect me to start fyp..but need to learn madlab abit la..hahahaha..but scary la..he say last fyp student do his stuff then end up like go up into journal dunno publish/win award in shanghai or what la... he say try to work towards tt... i lorr....... i nv win much awards b4 besides notorious how how? hahaha

on the bright side....insinyur is coming! so is sparex(sparex 1st though.hha) insinyur no prob la.. all the mp zai..i sit back relax oso can...hahaha(too bad they can relax..=P)

Tuesday 19 May 2009

musik fixed..

well i managed to fix the playlist beside so tt it wont jus blast 1/10 of the song(or jus part of the chorus..tts what it usually does).. guess i cant sign out of imeem..but at least i dun need to leave the webpage on whenever i wanna have full songs.hahaha.. anw i oso added a new track in.. its an engrish song..hehe

well...back to chionging proposals.. boss wants them by wed.. i better hurry man..hahaha

Monday 18 May 2009

its final... MGS3>>>>MGS2

hahaha..i cleared mgs3..and went back to play mayb i could understand all the twists and the la-le-lu-lei-lo crap tt ppl from mgs2 were spewing out..and of czu the obsure stuff ocelot was talking abt in mgs2..haha.. but i must say..mgs3>>>>mgs2 in any sort of way..definately, in terms of realism, fun, music and boss fight..

one of my favs for vid games are the boss fights.. cuz they arent ur run-in-the-mill or the tranq-his-head/sneak-ard-and-choke kinda enemy u see ard..they really make the game fun and the user to think+react quickly.. well..and a fat enemy tt plants bombs(fatman..mgs2) and moves ard in skates doesnt really appeal to me compared to a flamethrower wielding crazy astronaut complete with jetpacks(the fury, mgs3)...well.. those are the kinda bosses in mgs2 and mgs3..hahaha. the end was a really gd boss battle(annoying too esp when he keeps healing and u cant find him..)

mgs2..its still a great game..but v old now

mgs3..which is total pwnage.. recommended for all to try, esp those who loves action/stealth games, its abit old now though..haha(i feel like im advertising..hahah)

screenshots from mgs3

the flamethrowing wielding crazy astronaut guy--the fury

well enough abt comparing vid games.. talk abt reality liao..hahaha.. i luckily managed to change some of the dates for my RT..if nt it will really suck cuz ill miss out some v impt stuff..(like on 31st may..tts pretty impt..hahah) and of cuz some of sparex as well... oh yea..did i mention ill be gg back to help sparex..hahaha..gotta help them out.. have to make sparex successful since when we all started(or were sort of given the idea to start) it.... this time its 4days(*gasp!) long.. im sure it will be fun..hahaha

and i heard exam results out this fri?? i i correct? i hope nt!! hahaha..i wanna enjoy more of my holidays without knowing i suck at this exam papers..hahahaha.. but gg to miss 75% of the main comm chalet cuz of RT... T.T

training was gd last week...super mega tiring though..shifu on fire man... kick oso like almost endless like tt..haha.. even at the last few sets of pushups i oso buai tahan alr... knees keep touching ground..hope no one saw tt paiseh..hahahah.. but looking forward to trainings! hahaha..esp supper after tt..=P

Tuesday 12 May 2009

fyp fyp fyp fyp fyp fyp.....

ah yea..i alr got my fyp a few days ago..hahaha...i copy and paste the exact stuff abt it huh...

Title MATLAB Based Speaker Verification System – Generative Modeling
(yes v cheem right..coupled with madlab somemore)

Imagine that someone calls you in the middle of the night, without much difficulty you can identify who is the caller and express your unpleasantness receiving such a call. The distinctive features of a person’s voice enable us to verify the caller identity. Such capability can be incorporated into machine, which will be useful for access control to building, access to personal computer, network, or even phone banking. The main focus of this project is to design a speaker verification system using MATLAB. The students will get to learn latest voice-print techniques and hands-on programming experience using MATLAB. Guidance will be provided to familiarize the student to basic speech processing technology and MATLAB programming. The students may also have the opportunity to involve in systematic collection of speech samples from reliable sources to “train” the algorithm. This project focuses on generative approach (e.g. Gaussian mixture model) to speaker modeling.

Pre-requisite: Programming, Digital Signal Processing theory.

sounds interesting right?? hahah..but i dun have didgital signal processing theory...=(.. hahah..but i can do programming... then again..when i called the prof he nv asked me abt whether i know dsp... then again...i smoked him and said i knew abit of madlab..the basics(which i didnt know!) crapalistic..hahah..guess i gotta learn...

but....the prob is..he wanna meet me next thurs! argh! ahhaha...time to really mug hard...

anw..jus yest one of the chil jang (cute) girls--ming na, flew off to US for work and study and hopefully staying away from swine flu at the same time... well.. a few of us surprised her(only 1 person shouted the "SURPRISE" word..then again she has loud enough to cover for all of us...) and we went to jp to chill..hahah

a very formal picture
acting surprised....hahaha

but hor..we all worry for ming na la.. y leh? i mean..out of 10 ppl there, 9 ppl heard her said she's landing at "destroyed airport" when its supposed to be "detroit airport"(the one who heard correctly is ming na herself).. well imagine her telling locals "im going to destroyed airport" then GG liao.. straits times will have the article "SGEAN GIRL GOES TO JAIL AFTER ADMITTING SHE WANTS TO DESTROY AIRPORT."

and she has problems pronouncing Los Angeles(Last Angeles anyone?? in which we kinda taught her to say LA--then again i might have misspelled the place..haha) and more words and...wanting to ask how to go las vagas in's gd..ahhaha.. among other things crystal bought her a guide book in the US..mayb what ming na really needs is an electronic dictionary tt pronounces words(yes evil i know)..hahahaha.=P

these few days been playing an old but still equally as epic game.. mgs3.. im quite an MGS fan(been playing mgs1-3!! ) too bad mgs4 is on ps3..but ill play it one day!! muahaha.. one thing tt impresses me and what i feel tt seperates mgs from the other action games(besides its gripping storyline) is due to its realism.. u cant find many games as realistic as this.. from minor details like tranq rounds appearing sticking out enemies at exactly where u shot them to like shooting enemies radios actually prevents them from calling backup, ability to interrogate enemies by pressing knives(or the X button,i think..usually i jus tranq the guards or slam them to dizziness..hah, lightly after grabbing them from behind..any harder u will slit their throats..) against their how cool is tt? hahaha

oh..another thing tt really great abt mgs is the cutscences... and.. the reason y the motion of the cutscenes are so realistic is cuz they based off actual motion from ppl... check out this vid from youtube... check out the guy in the last 1 min..and u tot when ocelot spins his revolvers its jus all computer...

hahah..later gg to the 1st training in the holidays..wonder how many ppl will turn up..hopefully got more! hahaha

Friday 8 May 2009

finally a holiday post huh.....

hahha..finally im back to update....quite a few things happend..and i gamed like crazy oso..u know esstentially slack la..hahah

anw last sat i went to the beach..... ok for beach games trial..hahaha... weather was hot, sand was hotter but well.. the whole trial games thing went to say.. though some games werent tried out but i got faith in the 2mps la huh..hahaha..i think kinda slacker cp jus stand there ensure everything is ok and supervise can alr...lololol....

think highlight of the beach games(ok least the most fun laughing at others..yea yea...sadist or 幸灾乐祸 or whatever..haha) was the spongebob game... 1st must throw a dice with all sorts of body parts on it.. and the girl and guy have to put the body parts tog la, with a sponge in btw and run to the beach, get it wet, and run back(with the sponge in btw the same body parts earlier) and fill a water bottle with water... of cuz most water wins.hahah
(pics abit LQ ah..koped directly from facebook one..haha)

there..the dice tt determine's the freshies(soon la) fate..for now its for the gls and programmers

this one is girls ear to guys butt... apparently he mistook hip(there is no hip on the dice..only butt) for butt...

we do have the occational gay couple who refuses to pair up with girls...

this guy sure is enjoying himself.... (mayb the girl too) cuz they got it wrong! haha..its the guy's chest to girls's ear... man.... well as long as they are happy....=P

yh looks like he wants it mouth to mouth with angie

Insinyur-- where couples happen.... (hey cool slogan man...hahahah) night was kr's bday..celebrate at timbre eating tons of pizza... wa lao..we sabo-ed him to sing tog with timbre's live band...but he dun want!!! and he jus went up the stage(yea the band oso sabo him tog with us..haha) and jus MOUTHED the lyrics...omg.... come on la... 22 alr still so off singing power oso dun want.hahahaha....

and thurs night...went to jb with some of my tkd friends..hahaha.. fun! watched sniper
and its nt bad la! ahhahaa.. the title sounds v cliche army type movies..but this one does depict what actual ops and how sniper really works(nt jus a solo guy running ard shooting ppl to his hearts content..) though..of cuz like movies..they snipe with cool sunglasses and latest trend civi clothes(yea...movies..u know..haha). but they way they work and do stuff is excatly like special ops, except for the v last scene which looks more like counterstrike real life..but their face pant IS for indoor ops..the splitter face paint..hahah

and of cuz after tt ate was jus soso but well..the company is gd..hahaha(will upload pics once they are out!!)

and now for fyp woes.... wa lao.. ppl really kiasu man..all kope prof alr...and my gpa cmi abit harder for me la..hahaha... well..i emailed 3 profs of them most prob reject due to my chui cgpa.. see the other 2 how la huh.. hahahah

cant wait for training again...tues and fri night sure are boring without them..haha