Sunday 7 December 2008

xi'an day 3!! =D

and now we're onto xi'an day 3!!! hahaha, the last day of the xi'an tour but definately nt the last day of golden week.. muaahaha.. then was only like 3rd oct.. still early ah.. hahaa... anw we were briefed by our commander cum tour guide, cui yichen on day 3 morning activities yest night... then the next morning...


waking up at 7am again was a success.. tt operation went smoothly, surprisingly, very much diff from what we planned(celest overslping....).. so after packing up, washing up and whatever, we all headed out and proceeded to flag a cab... then told the driver to bring us to the museum there.. oh yea.. think i havent mentioned b4.. cabs in shanghai has a 起步费(go in price) of 11rmb(S$2.20), xi'an has a much cheaper 起步费 of 6rmb(S$1.20)... ie, spam cabs whenever u are in xi'an...hahaha

so ard 10mins later we reached the museum.. and what greeted us was the @%^$&*@ long queue.. well.. entry to the museum is free but still there are limited tix, ard 3000 like tt... and i so i tot we were alr kiasu to wake up so early and cab down.. how i know ard 3000++(estimated value) chinese are more kiasu than us.. well still we jus queue la.. so i join in the queue while celest and her father when to have and dabao some breakfast... after a while saw cui yichen.. he oso stunnded at the super long queue.. then shortly after tt celest came with breakfast... (some kinda cake or smth close to tt i think..) and joined in the queue... while waiting, we saw a roadside stall selling steamded corn.. so decided to try 1.. and... somehow.. the steamded corn tastes differently... ya.. its smth like sticky corn... mayb its only this stall but somehow it jus doesnt taste gd leh.. so nv really finish it....
after queueing for almost 30mins and hardly any progress(yichen did plant a spy in the museum(actually one of his relatives work there), tried to help us cut queue but alas, his museum spy today on leave...) we jus decided to nt visit the museum and head for the tang shan zhang temple instead..

oh yea.. the journey to the west guy.. tang shan zhang.. he's a real person who really walked from china to india.. obviously the monkey, pig and the rake holding guy tt supposedly accompanied him is fake.. of cuz his story is known to all, walking towards the west(india) go gain scriptures and knowledge.. and he started his journey towards india in xi'an itself... right where the temple is..

entrance to the temple
when jus walked past the entrance...

really tall pagoda overseeing the temple

temple inside oso had sculptures of famous poets

anw we did hire a tour guide outside the temple to bring us ard.. the tour guide did bring us inside, like talk abt history la, what tang shan zhang did, how far he walked blabla.... some pics outside the exhibition areas

after the short tour, rmb the pagoda? haha.. we deicded to like climb it.. cuz the poster outside says..
well basically can see gd view, relics, xi'an's ancient dunno what stuff, tang shan zhang's footmark etc etc..

basically, after climbing like 4 floors and endless squeezing, the "relic" tt we saw we this...

oh yea.. going up the pagoda to see relics turns out to be going up to squeeze only.... and see stuff like... a miniture pagoda.. T.T

so after tt we exited the temple..

the most chinese looking macs u can find here in china..
after tt we cabbed down to our lunch area.. tt lunch restaurant is located near the shopping area of xi'an..

(sry after the long wait its finally updated!)

eat healthly...must eat veg..
this hamburger like stuff is the 肉夹模...

"char kuay teow"
hot and spicy noodles or smth.. hahha.. again.. v oily, but still nt bad
this is somekinda liek srimp roll like tt.. but super nice.. very very oily though
after eating.. we decided to walk abit.. and well.. as i said xi'an is nt really developed.. so really their shopping centers cant beat shanghai.. we didnt go in them.. but tt was said by cui yichen.. so we hang ard outside, walked along some small streets stalls, all the way back to our hotel(so its said to be a 3km walk.. i felt like i walked 15km..)
ah... finally can take a gd pic of the city walls.. in xi'an , the city is surrounded by walls.. abit like castle like tt..
ya.. like u all see the chi movie wall for battle those kind.. the small windows are for archers(like hx..)to shoot other ppl..
shortly after tt, cui yichen got a cab for us to xi'an airport.. and we took a flight and reached our 2nd part of the golden week holiday(nanjing).. =)

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