Monday 1 December 2008

xi'an day 2 part 2! =D

ok.. so now after touring the terracotta warriors.. after the endless squeezing and walking and whatever.. we all hungry la.. hahaha... ok.. so went ard to find some food.. though jus like the main exhibition hall itself, the restaurant oso mega crowded... tried restaurant no.1-- too many ppl, tried restaurant no.2-- they wanna sell us the biang biang mian at a 特价of 68rmb.. oh yea.. very the 特man.. so 特until its super ex.. so reject... tried restaurant no.3.. ah.. got space, price resonable..ok accept..

so here are the food tt we had.. paiseh.. i v the short term memory so i cant rmb most(if nt all) the name of the food... so after thinking for v hard.. i can vaguely rmb some of the names la..vaguely.. prob might be diff from what its actually called..




soup + stuff no.1

ya...tts all i can rmb for their names.. shldnt be tt far off from what its actually called la... anw.. eat until super full.. then we all boarded cui yichen's car again and headed for the 2nd attraction of the day 华清池...

well historically this is the place where emperor tang xuan zhong had his lomance(romance) of the 3 kingdom with one of his mistresses, yang gui fei... this area is actually a hot springs, and still is, but the hot springs part is under protection so no one can really view it..
well notice the mountains behind? tt mountain is where 蒋介石 ran into after being chased by his enemies during the 1940s... dun small see the politician ok.. i think then he got more jungle survival skills than most ns guys now.. hahah

the 7 dragon pond, which has got 6 out of 7 dragon heads shown in the pic..(the last one is behind these 6 dragons).. well legend has it tt long long long ago(prob after the age of dinosaurs, and during the time when humans do know what are dragons and such) , this area(华清池) was a piece of dry land.. so after a while, the jade emporer sent 6 dragons to give this area some water.. well the 6 dragons did tt and the emperor was happy.. however as the time goes by, the dragons(like some of us modern ppl now) slacked off.. so nv pour water and this area is going back to the previous state.. the jade emperor was furious and punished the dragons such that they are pouring water into the land till this day.. so where does the 7th dragon come in? the suay suay 7th dragon was sent to oversee these 6 dragons.. its head it located behind the 6 dragons...

and after tt we walked ard...

oh yea.. some of u might be curious how yang gui fei, the lady who caused tang xuan zhong to nelect most of his duties jus to jio her, might look like.. so here's a close up to a statue of her.. u have to take note.. during the tang dynasty.. the "in" thing for girls was to be plump.. yea.. being plump was the in thing then.. so the richer girls back then had it lucky by trying to stuff themselves fatter such tt rich officals or royal families may take notice of them.. then of cuz being such a rumoured beauty, yang gui fui's looks abit plump from this statue..

after tt we walked ard and saw various sections of bathing areas for emporers, princes, mistresses

and the one explanation provided is shown...

no pushing... yea right...

for a period of time.. 蒋介石 hid here and did his dang here dang there stuff.. so his office is still preserved up till now..

and presenting... the bathroom!!

so after the tour in 华清池, we took cui yichen's car and went back to the city there, bid goodbye to micheal jordan, i mean ma jun, then went for dinner.. its ROUND 2 AT 回民街!! so walked round and round and quite a while.. to look for a v gd 牛肉/羊肉泡馍 stall.... and yea.. its really worth the walk.. the soup is fragrant, the bread soaked in the soup is gd.. all in all.. a gd dinner.. btw.. i had 牛肉泡馍

washing it all down while a cup of plum juice..

some kinda mua chee like stuff
with some sweet kinda black sauce.. nt bad....

also we tried 肉夹膜.. abit like hamburger like tt.. its like some mutton/beef in between pita bread with some veges... yea.. jus like hamburger...
so after gorging ourselves again for the 2nd night in the row.. we headed back to our hotel, waiting for xi'an day3 to come! =)

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