Tuesday 16 November 2010

breaking news! et3000 qualifies for gsl season 3

WARNING: the events below decribed are strictly fictional and but any reference to the ppl mentioned are purely on purpose.

then again with et3000 leaving aegis and suiciding into illusions anything can truely happen. apology to all slayersboxer's fangirls.

NEWSFLASH: "unknown player et3000 qualifies for gsl season 3 with win over slayersboxer"

apparently nth is known abt this new player et3000 besides most ppl's initial and instinctive reaction of calling him noob.however even with delayed reaction and a apm of 10 he beat slayersboxer when get this..slayersboxer massed medievacs against 10 of et3000's marines at the 20min mark. and that was all the army et3000 had at 20mins, 10 marines...

2nd game sees slayersboxer forgetting to build scvs and again et3000 killed him while slayersboxer just got his 1st rax out at the 15min mark.et3000's entire army only consists of 5marines and 1 tank. somehow after this match weird this happens to other pro players.they start massing really really wrong units against each other..

mass corruptors against roaches, siege tanks against mutas(tt one loner did it in gsl2..infected by eddism alr), scv rushes, and proxy pylons..and i mean plyons only..u name the noob play, et3000 does it..or so he infects the player and the player(who is then referred to as a noobling from then on) does the noob play for et3000..

will et3000 win gsl season 3? only time will tell..but one thing's for sure..everyone will be infected by eddism....

but still nada not qualifying for gsl season 3..tt news is as shocking as saying like...zy doesnt emo when he loses...

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