Monday 7 June 2010

jap trip 3/3!!

im back from the land of anime!!! actually i was back a last wed night actually but i had camp on fri.. i nua-ed to the max on thurs and went camp on fri(which ill blog abt it once i can get some decent pics online or smth) so im blogging all these now..hahaha.. ok i decided to blog in whoever stumbles ontot his blog can see the jap trip in like chornoligiacaical order.. tts y...the 3rd part of the jap trip is here!!

Day 5

the 1st half of the day we went to kobe!! haha..ok la for sightseeing.. u all do rmb the kobe earthquake in 1995 right? for those who are as old as me prob will..the strong earthquake in the middle of kobe... well kobe recovered within a mere 2 yrs and when i reached there...its like all other cities.. clean and high rocks,no cracks on road, no tilted uncleared stuff...well except for this area...the kobe earthquake memorial park.. in which they kept one small section untouched from the earthquake to remind ppl of the disasterous effects and that they shld always be prepared..

after tt went to harbour which...well its a small shopping area but since we were there early all shops were closed..yea so only take random pics and zuo bo there......
then after tt went to the kobe sake factory and had a 15min lect + small tour on how sake is made...but the highlight is.... free sake tasting!!!! think had real high quality ones..the sake is pretty sweet.. but abit of the eh..u know.. alcohol "la(spicy in chi)" kinda taste..yea its gdddd..hahaa..

these are wax models ah..showing of traditional mtds of creating sake..of part of the process la
and then..the real highlight of the dayyy.. back in osaka.....universal studios!!!!

with a fat me posing at the universal studios globe..its much more fun than disneyland cuz well.. the rides arent all roller coasters.. there are some..but most of those i took was like the 3d rides.u know..makes u feel like u're in the game or the movie or smth.. and watched those 4D movies...(like when donkey sneeze water is sprayed onto u etc..).. time!!

the 4d movie studio i was talking abt..the movie is all in japanese well i had to guess what's going on... there's usually a 10min like intro or backstory in a huge room with multiple screens b4 the movie starts though
chanced upon a sesame street performance while walking ard waiting for the shrek 4d movie to start.. i reached universal studios at ard 1230, shrek movie starts at 240pm

wanted to take a pic of bert and ernie.. well somehow it included a pretty stoned looking big bird..

and chanced upon another performance..snoopy!

guy in blue loves charlie brown so much he would kiss his nose in public while performing...

and my friend and i got a pic with the snoopy cast...for free of cuz.. =P..well even if there's a need to pay i would take pics with them anw..haha

hardcore one piece fans can go to osaka on the dates stated for this live action stuff... of cuz..brush up ur jap 1st..haha

this is the building for the spiderman ride... really enjoyed it..and the props inside the building is really gd.. but of cuz spiderman here speaks jap so u have to guess what's going on

managed to catch the peter pan live performance in time right after the shrek 4d show.. peter pan performance starts at 330pm but when we reached at 310pm the viewing gallery is alr full.. so yea..must be gdddd... well... u here cant really enjoy the live performance.. and peter pan is really gd to watch.. so with my expert japanese and pics ill translate what i heard and thru the pics tell u the story...

narrator: one fine morning, peter pan wakes up and without brushing his teeth or taking a shower, he proceeds to... no nt eat breakfast.. to dance.
narrator: dancing with random ppl living in a metallic globe isnt enough, peter pan proceeds to dance with tribal pplcaptain hook: i has arrived! after failing for the 329428490813904119048th time, this time round im going to make sure peter pan, that u instead of me is pwned
peter pan: what? captain hook? aiya no danger one la..lets carry on dancing!!
tribal chief: i now crown u, peter pan, ms universe 2010.
peter pan: oh dream come true
captain hook: wa,peter pan is in beauty contest, now our chance..peter pan nt at home.. faster climb la u random pirate! u fail ippt izzit? we is going to invade peter pan's home and capture his friends!
captain hook: victoly!! now i has captured all of ur friends peter! what are u going to do now? muahhahaa
captain hook: oh yea i tot of what im going to do. im going to put a large suspicious looking bottle of poison here to poison tinkerbell!! i am sooooo evil...muahhahahaah

tinkerbell: what's this suspiciously looking big green bottle of stuff.. reads..p-o-i-s-o... hmm looks delicious ill drink it!!!

narrator: tinkerbell went to drink the poison and collasped.. peter pan stopped by and saw tinkerbell like dying there... he did the one thing a hero would do to save tinkerbell

(sry cant get gd pics on this)
peter pan: audience.. pls clap so that i can mysteriously and miraculously revive tinkerbell!

*small claps*

peter pan: wa lao eh somemore la.. tt kinda clap small cut oso cannot heal one lorrr

*more thunderous claps*

peter pan: she's alive!! SHE'S ALIVEEEEEEEEEE!!!

narrator: with tinkerbell revived, peter pan starts to plan his attack on captain hook's ship

peter pan: i has a plan.. i am going to fly directly into captain hook's ship then think abt a plan from there...
captain hook: holy shit! peter pan flew here! whoever doing guard duty sign 7 extra. lets fight him men!!! what crap?! how did the tribal ppl suddenly teleport here?!?!?!?!?!?

tribal chief: come on tribal extras! let us aid our beauty queen of 2010 peter pan!
captain hook: i is being overrun.. helpppppp!!

peter pan: flying and doing nothing!!!
*some unknown kills captain hook by pushing him down the water*

pirate extras: oh noes..our captain is dead!
peter pan friend extras: yays! we win! let us dance and celebrate!
peter pan: u all dance..i is takin' tinkerbell for a fly!
tinkerbell: im flying jack, im flyinggggg!! oops sry i forgot this is peter pan and nt titanic
narrator: captain hook again somehow survives the fall into the water.
captain hook: just u wait peter pan! the 329428490813904119049th time will be different! i'll pwn u then!!!
narrator: and so the story ends!
well tts it for the peter pan story.. think i got it down pretty accurately... my japanese is gd k! haha

after tt saw another mini performance.. one without words this time so i no need to translate.. its abt the guy and a statue who suddenly comes alive and dances with him..then later she went back to being a statue b4 the ship 'left'.. pretty funny really..especially the expression from the guy.. then went for a ride at the jurassic park ride... in which.. ends with a like huge drop down into a small puddle of water.. didnt get really wet though.. i tot ill end up extremely wet..hahaha

then went to watch terminator 2 4d movie..which involves some live action so its pretty cool too.. after tt...its dinner time!!! hahaha.. had a bowl of nice ramen.. which... jus like everything in japan costs a bomb..but its really simple and nice...
and of cuz dessert too.. crepe.. hahha
so after tt, went back to hotel and tt kinda ended the day 5 in japan!

Day 6
nth much on day 6..its actually jus the flight back to sg... shopped ard in the airport to spend whatever leftover yen i have and...i finally found the shiroi koibito!!!!(its extremely ex though)
i really had fun thru this japan was really short but real fun! spend and ate tons.. and well.. wish i can go back again! =P

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