Sunday 16 August 2009

I has survived....

the 1st week of schhh..hahaha..nt tt its overly siong or what la..but still the prelude of the sianness and the tons of projs to come..haha..

hrm is as disgusting as all the seniors mentioned..

indiv task: find a company and interview them asking them some qns abt their competitors and their hrm stuff.. also must take pic with senior staff to make sure we dun anyhow smoke prof tt we went to a fake company..

grp task: tog with ur unknown grp members(its all randomed for of the time i am typing this i still dunno who my grp members are) do up a 15min presentation and present the findings of everyone to class...

so much stuff to do, so little ppl went to hk to do hrm to escape the killer hrm of eee..but..i oso wont go means missing insinyur..cannot la..ahahah.. we see how la huh..

anw ive done like 2 out of 4 possible tuts!! woohooooo..amazing..hahaha..ive nv felt so hardworking b4..haha

tml cca fair...lets see how many ppl we can attract..hahaha...

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