Saturday 28 March 2009

the supposed earth hour

8 more mins(from the time i type this blog post) to the end of earth hour.. well i did off some of the lights at home but nt all of cuz.. i mean..u cant really walk ard and watch tv or use com with the entire house being pitch black..ok la..can la..jus tt it isnt tt gd for ur eyes cuz screen usually will be too bright..(and me being too lazy to adjust the brightness..) haha..

anw..tml is the cks cup liao.. im....

a little.. well i always get excited b4 any tourneys... even though this time for the 2nd round ill be fighting either one of my ntu buddies..

i would be lying if i say im nt scared/nervous at all but its nt tt big.. nt so pressure is nt as big as ivp..haha.. its a little more leaning towards..

orh..jus another tourney..go in try out stuff and nvm one la...
haha.. abit numbed from the excitement and fear a little i guess.. mayb it comes with exp...then again, i cant say im too exped..this is jus my like..4th tourney..

im more scared of smth else...exams in 17days time!!!!!!! argh!!!!! and i really have no mood to study at all man!! argh-er!!! haha..ppl now at tut 10 i still at tut 5...i cant laugh at ms pro too much liao cuz after being casted she became hardworking..then again..its cuz she inconvenient to walk and go out tts y she (temporarily or nt) became hardworking and now she's catching up on the tuts done and online lects watched... though i do hope she heals really soon..but u know..she being hardworking for once(during the 3yrs i know her) is gd as well..hahaha can switch on lights hour ended..wondered how many ppl really off lights...haha luck to all ntu fighters for the cks cup!!

Sunday 22 March 2009

pics, cks and exams!!

hahaha.. from now..ard 3 weeks to exams liao..sianz... and u wonder y im still blogging huh? haha,..destress lehhh.. ya lor..haha.. anw.. onto the ivp/qgy pics tt is from my pretty chui camera!!

the champ ojang team!!
mighty ojang members

zai ojang AIs

and of cuz..ojang 08 members..haha

so after working hard must sakura

grp pic 1
grp pic 2

act handing over to the current log head(hey..i did really hand over to him without the handshake though cuz iwas in shanghai liao..haha)

with chiljang member 1, crystal..yes we are trying to show 1 from Chiljang and 1 from Ojang...

ming na calls me 小绵羊 "insists" i act like 1... and sudd i realise alan dream goal is to be a 小绵羊 as well
hamster and myself
eejang team 1, small cloud
ACAI, wanyit

with ntu's 吴静钰... we wanted to do double Os.. somehow i ended up looking like doing a guarding block..

My zai loggies!! 4/6 present..hahaha

and..*GASP* new scandal?!?!?

hahaha.. next up is the cks cup... though i nv really train la..jus wanna try scoring with my lefty..hahaha.. cuz usually i only right leg then my left leg anyhow kick for show oh but.. there's quite a few gd matches(ntu vs ntu unfortunately) at the cks shld recommend most members to try and be there to see see..hahaha

okok back to work liao!! 3 more weeks to exams, 6 weeks to holidays!! rawr!!!

Monday 16 March 2009

庆功宴!! (qing gong yan aka victory dinner)

wooo..back from the 庆功宴(qgy) aka the victory dinner..hahaha... this yr's qgy was held at sakura international at the orchard shopping center there.. food..was..ok la..soso.. sushi was ok, sashimi was ok, some of the clip dishes(the ones u have to put ur clips up on) was ok oso..the desserts were quite gd, the durian puffs, ice cream and cakes.. the cooked food, was jus abt average to cmi..really..hahaha.. though i hardly tasted the cooked food..well..its jus..unappealing la..then doesnt looks nice.hahahah...

but hey..whats more impt was the company itself! ntu tkd u all jus rox! hahaha.. had lots of great fun with my ojang grp, the other fighers and pattern team members and ntu tkd itself! hahaha... talking la, speculating la, gaying la(nt me lor..its ppl wanna gay me but i dun want!! hahahah), whatever crazy things tt we do..hahaha

nearing the end..shifu presented a nice calendar to all coaches and AIs..haha.. yea..i was really touched.. of cuz a large factor of the great times being an ojang AI is due to the other zai AIs and the v v nice team members tt i have as well.. hahah..(ojang outing here i come!!).. so much tt when they all say tt wanna be AI.. yea..i felt like a proud teacher watching their students graduating.. they really have came v far..from being someone tt..doesnt know how to do side kicks or for some even proper low blocks to zai members tt is gold standard and now ready to teach ppl.. there's a saying tt when u are able to teach smth u have alr mastered it.. my grp has mastered ojang..its time for them to pass it on..hahah... so philosophical!! hahahahah.. but im really happy for them! =)

unfortunately ms pro injured herself quite seriously so she cannot attend this qgy =(
but well.. next yr's qgy then!!

photos will uploaded sd card reader spoilt so i have to go back home during weekends to extract the pics and upload them..hahaha

alr looking forward to next yr's QGY!! =)

庆功宴 is translated as victory dinner in engrish.. but the individual chi phrase can be broken down into 庆,功 and 宴. 庆 is to celebrate, and 宴 is dinner.. but 功 is abit special.. it doesnt mean victory, rather it means hard work as in 功劳.. so 庆功宴 is a celebration for the hard work put in as well.. doesnt matter if it results in a victory, as long as hard work is put in, there is always a 庆功宴.

Saturday 7 March 2009

we are the champions!!!!~~~~~

sry for the late updates..hahah... the lainbow(rainbow) post like 10 days or so alr..hahha.. but busy la..toc then after tt 2 quiz and a ton of assignments! argh! haha.. anw updates on the last few days..including 27th feb to 1st march where i felt the great ntu tkd spirit yet again..which is one of the reasons tt kept me in ntu tkd for so long..haha

27th feb-toc pattern competition.. seriously couldnt slp for almost the entire night b4.. ok la..did stuff for my team until 2am..then after tt still online till 4am..cuz worried leh..hahaha.. then like slp until 9am then woke up lor.. met my team for breakfast.. can see my entire team like all put on eyeshadow means they didnt slp well yest night..ok la..after breakfast, light training, mst then yea..time to pattern liao..

*for those who dunno pattern are a standard set of moves done by belts of all levels for grading and of cuz performances..each belt from yellow to black has 8 sets of different patterns

eejang and sajang did really really well..then its ojang turn..wa lao..worried all the way la.. our team is the 16th/18th team to perform.. then later i scared like rachel off balance la, forget pattern la, alan stiff la, thanh do minor mistakes until jialat la.. aiyo..keep worrying..but told myself to trust my team..after all..they are zai..haha.. turns out.. during the semis and finals(got 2 stages of pattern) ojang was 1st throughout!! hahaha.. zai zai! im v v happy for my ojang team! until jus b4 gathering to collect medals i started T.T... i v crybaby hor? ahha..but ya la..too happy for my zai ojang team! =) champions!
so the final results :
gold(yellow tip pattern)
eejang2 silver
sajang bronze(blue tip pattern)
ojang gold(blue belt pattern)
chiljang gold(brown belt pattern)
koryo gold(1st dan pattern)'s some pics on 27th feb(abit LQ cuz i koped directly from facebook but pics are v nicely taken by the zai photographer)

eejang team1!

eejang team2!

my zai ojang team!
my team must put more



still got many more cool pics on pattern..hahaa..they all in my facebook

28th feb, 1st march--sparring.. those 2 days are the sparring days for the toc..i sparred on the 1st march.. eh ok la..i did have 2 firsts...haha.. well i did win my 1st match as an official brown belt.. well i oso had my 1st 0-7(tko) lost..hahahahah..ok la..the 2nd opponent i lost to was an experienced guy.. and he was too quick! ok la..excuse..but hey..ill train up to be better than him..haha.. well for winning 1 round i got bronze! wahahaah... are some pics on the sparring days!

massage every fighter needs/wants
who says cute girls cant spar? =P

leg flying up high..arms somehow oso follow suit...

if u do notice..she's my ojang girl.. can pattern can fight..zai right?haha

4 head kicks(here's one of them), 1 tko and a gold medal within 2 matches..tts y she's ntu's 吴静钰..

all smiles after receiving the best overall pattern, best sparring and overall champions!!
coach and his fighters..

pic with the chiljang cuties

nice jumping pic taken at the end of toc..(no..the medals still remained on the neck of our members even when they jumped with them..haha)

those are jus some of the pics..for more pics..well u can check out facebook if u are mine and the zai photographer's friend..haha..will try taking the pics in original resolution though..if possible..
after teaching a team and coaching them with 3 other zai ais to gold and after winning a bronze for sparring..i cont on in getting pwned for my integrated electonics and electromagnetism quiz....