Thursday 26 February 2009

toc is here!

after ojang training on wed 26th feb.. we saw a rainbow over fact 2 rainbows.. think the rainbow spanned across the entire sg cuz i got some friends who was rainbow sighting too..anw..its really beautiful! 2 rainbows man! haha

this one is taken at ntu src.. cool huh! 2 rainbows..hahaha

well time seriously flies and tml is ojang team is rdy...yea..they are..they did well for the last few training..i have faith in them..tml...they will perform well..haha..ill cheer them on till im hoarse! haha.. well..we'll see how toc goes.. all the fighers and pattern team.. 加油!比对手更高,更快,更强!

Wednesday 18 February 2009

7 days to toc

yes.. 7 days to toc/ivp/ntu open! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.. hahahaha.. well i dun feel v prepared.. ok ojang team is prepared alr..but i dun feel prepared for my sparring..even though im kinda excited for it... see how it goes i guess..

plenty of piling tuts, late night trainings and suppers after tt kinda defined my past 2 weeks... yea.. had school performance today... ojang did nt bad..but still room for improvement la imo..esp on the balancing and the kan cheong issues..but we'll have to try correct tt asap..

earlier on tues though some senior who was claimed to be a ref commented (to our overall in charge who passed the msg) to me tt ojang 1st step was done differently.. wa.. shocked la. nt tt i resist tt change or what..but i jus dun understand the prob cuz currently mine jus sound like a slightly faster version of the correct one! hmmm..will see how it goes....

argh..recess week is gg to be fully packed..

oh..flashing back.. on vday...well..i went to my friends house..all guys la.. had a really filling dinner though.really really filling..chilli crab rox! hahaha

7 more days to toc/ivp/ntu open..lets rock!!!

Tuesday 10 February 2009

excluding slping, total time i spent at home for last 2 weekends : ~20hrs

and the title says it all..ahhaha..last 2 weekends were so busy tt ya..the time i spent at home in total amounts to abt 1 day.. but its 4 days(2 sets of sat&sun) u come can spend so little time at well..lets recap the activites ive done during the last 2 weekends...

26th-27th jan-- the 1st set of fri and sat.. spend almost these 2 days outside at padang ard there.. for what else man..chingay!! i nt go there see and slack and watch fireworks man..i go there canvass and work ok..hahaha.. stand there bai swee and morphing into mobile road directory when the situation calls for it.. but my place in the chingay area quite slack la..nt too many ppl ard.. so got to watch abit of chingay as well.. 2nd night..was the long and tiring one.... after chingay got the afterparty thingy.. which lasts until like..2am.. and we still have to stand there and watch ppl dance..(my area the line dance section lor..nt the clubbing section).. watch ppl line dance!! argh!! sianz ah.... ahhaha.. at least cuz im sector ic im walking ard abit..but still...sianz leh.. lol.. but like 1245am got the main comm lou hei..which, well food was wasted on ppl and later ard 1+am tt time the organisers allow us to relac abit by letting us join in the dance.. so.. yea.. we line danced

eh but line dance nt easy man... even when i tot my footwork shld be quite okok due to tkd ah.. no lor.. the ah pek ah mm legs all move damn fast and agile la.... of cuz dancing diff from tkd ma.. but still..even when moving and coordinating, ah pek's legs>>>>> mine... sadded.. cant even follow properly thru like half of the line dance..hahah..oh yea..did i mention i reached home at 4am?

28th jan-- sun.. go relative house a while for lunch..then trained ojang, with a equally tired cj, in sch liao..then stay in sch.. wa..wraps up a really busy weekend for tt week

7th feb-- sat.... well didnt go home on fri cuz sat damn early in the morning got the nus exchange(tkd).. so took train then cabbed down to nus with a few ntu tkd ppl i met at the boon lay interchange.. then after tt kick here kick there and kena kick everywhere, went back to ntu to wait to train my ojang team again.. after tt..finally went home for dinner and spend some quality time at finally... well jus abit till sun morning

8th feb-sun.. left house at like 10am.. reached ntu by 11am..but the rest of ojang is late..=(.. sun is the sch performance for all pattern teams+ the sparfest.. well sparfest is jus a draw lot+sparring session.. basically we draw lots..and so we can end up fighting against anyone and everyone present.. be it guy, girl, trans, white belt, black belt, 8th dan black belt(but no 8th dan seen during the spar fest).. and so much abt my ojang team..but i nv show pics to the readers..hahah.. so here they are!
my zai ojang team- xier(ai),cj(ai), rachel, alan, thanh and basilia
sparfest.. 1st opponent is the CAI man...omg..hallelujah(how however u spell)..sianz lor.. ok la..he hit me pretty hardly quite a few times.. i tot i jus poked was 2-3(im the 2 of cuz..haha).. after tt sparred with eo..ok la..tried what i set out to try on the mat..and was satisfied.. went home for 2hrs..b4 dinner and coming back hall again... argh.... time spend at home really was short.....

still got lots of stuff to do..2 reports and training my ojang team... and this weekend..weigh in!!! i hope im still in my weight cat..even after feasting thru the 15days of cny..hahahah